AKPF #1 – Staatspolizei

mickeymousenh_josephdirussoIn an unprecedented developement, the New Hampshire Staatspolizei has joined the ranks of Aqua Keene Parking Force to experience the throes of wiretapping. Supreme sergeant Joseph “Arizona Iced” T Dirusso, unable to locate any impoverished or ethnic minority groups to terrorize, focuses his efforts on criminalizing the Merry Men, wielding the crown’s sword at the behest of justus Edward Burke and Prince John, ever entertained by the mischievous Jester Mullins. Amish Paul provides unique comic relief as the special guest host of episode 09, in preparation for his own parking ticket courtroom tournament.

1. 00:10 Opening Pussy Riot Russian Punk Music
2. 01:47 Amish Paul introduces another riveting installment as special guest host
3. 02:30 Garret explains how the Geheime Staatspolizei have invaded our communities— and already starting swiping people’s stuff that doesn’t belong to them!
4. 03:22 The secretary/legal-para of Tom Mullins contemplates crime
5. 04:23 Accurate memories condemnation
6. 05:02 Justus Edward Burke arrests Ian for standing up
7. 05:17 Justus Edward Burke commits the crime of false report to law enforcement against Ademo
8. 05:53 Garbage arrests at MPD’s Chalking 8 incident brief, Free Stater gang affiliation
9. 07:54 Heading to the court, district, city hall
10. 08:52 At the clerk’s desk, many a bailiff afoot
11. 11:17 Service Refusal at 9th circuit district division!
12. 13:00 Foot stepping bailiffs; re-enter 3rd floor attorney office
13. 16:33 Joseph TiDiRusso on telephone, monitored for quality assurance purposes
14. 18:13 At Gestapo HQ barracks, master general went fishing
15. 19:59 The mysterious silver dodge charger with antennae
16. 23:19 Talley films Pete and Garret leaving GHQ, sans information
17. 23:33 Amish Paul shocked by ridiculous secret police
18. 23:51 Ian discusses the KAC, from allegation of lodging house to pirate club
19. 25:10 Amish knows love, help Snowden reach the cloud
20. 25:28 James donates a camera to Garret, perseverance in tool mastery
21. 28:13 End credits (familiarize)
22. 28:40 Don’t waste the cloud (even if you could)

Special guest host Amish Paul reps the AKPF #1. Ep. 10 premieres Monday, July 2013.

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