Story Discusses Keene BEARCAT Saga

20090817_salondotcom_190x190[1]Keene activists made history in 2012 when we stood up against the BEARCAT for the first time ever, as acknowledged by Salon in this excellent piece on police militarization. (Actually an excerpt from Radley Balko’s new book.) The detailed story focuses on the outrage of the insane “War on Drugs” that brought on the militarization of the police in the first place – the specter of “terrorism” has merely furthered those aims. They also focus on the police’s penchant for ruining a good time, like back in 2005 when camo-clad storm troopers raided a Utah rave, even swooping in via helicopter and terrorizing and attacking the peaceful ravers. That, in addition to several stories of a police-state in action paint a detailed picture of the insane situation we find ourselves. Balko’s piece wraps by covering various court decisions further advancing the police state.

It’s a bleak picture. Anyone paying attention for the last decade or two has seen it – a militarized police state is on the rise. What are you going to do about it? Share a status on facebook? For those willing to stand in peace for liberty, the solution is the Free State Project. The cowardly police consider the peaceful free staters to be domestic terrorists – that’s because their legitimacy is in jeopardy thanks to us. Come join the fun!

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