Free State Project Reaches 75% of Its Goal: 15,000 Liberty Activists Pledged to Move to NH!

1381249_626811174028799_513818927_n[1]Control freaks in NH beware: the Free Staters are coming. Well, some of us (over 1,400) are already here, but we’re the “early movers”. The best part is yet to come! The goal of the Free State Project is to get 20,000 people to pledge to move to New Hampshire and get active to help achieve liberty in our lifetime.

Today, that goal is closer than ever with the FSP eclipsing 15,000 signers! We’re now over 75% of the way there! Once 20,000 is reached, the official move period will begin where the thousands of signers have five years to pick up their lives and move to the Shire!

If you love liberty and have been quietly watching to see what happens here, you already know the FSP is having an impact with people like state representative Cynthia Chase saying that “Free Staters are the single biggest threat the state is facing today” – and she said that back in 2012! Just wait until thousands more liberty activists arrive! If you love liberty and are willing to DO SOMETHING about it, you can be a part of the most exciting and successful liberty movement out there. Please join the Free State Project today and start planning your move to New Hampshire.

If, on the other hand, you love the idea of controlling your neighbor, you may want to start planning your move out of New Hampshire now. Things are going to get awfully uncomfortable for those who wish to control others here in NH very soon!

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