The New Cynthia Chase: Suzanne Mercier Vail Claims Freedom “Maxed” in NH

Suzanne Mercier VailIn a recent post to her official facebook page, NH state representative from Nashua Suzanne Mercier Vail claimed that liberty and freedom are “maxed” here in NH.

Her comments are very similar to Keene state rep Cynthia Chase, who made national headlines last year when she called Free State Project participants the “single greatest threat to the State”.

Here’s the full text of Vail’s post:

One rarely considered consequence of the Free State Project, will be the formation of another form of government. The aim is to overpower the state government. The method is to weaken the laws of New Hampshire, creating more freedom and liberty in a state where that is maxed.
Why do I say another government will form, in the absence of our present circumstances? Because to over throw will require the constant overpowering of those who dissent.
There is no such thing as a Free State, but I can tell you how to avoid re-electing a Free Stater, by assisting with looking at their State House voting record. This year there were many roll call votes. You are welcome to look at mine!

Hat-tip to’s Kimberly Morin for breaking the story.

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