Making Liberty Activism My Job

I am a full-time activist for liberty propaganda, and these are all the shows I do each week.


Living above LRN Studios in Keene, NH, I fill every waking day from beginning to end with activism. I make time to relax with friends, too, but I work hard to inform and entertain as wide an audience as possible. I’m carving out a new way of living. Doing professional liberty activism. I don’t think it’s been a “thing” before–a real job. I’m making it one.

Professional activists up to this point have worked for the man. Not me. Since 2012, I’ve been independently funded by generous supporters of liberty like you. And it’s been entirely in bitcoin. No war dollars. If I’m going to prove this freedom experiment works in real life, I’m going to have to live it. I do my best to do that. To prove it, I bring you all the raw videos from my daily life on a special youtube channel, Derrick J Live, and I keep a regular daily blog of my life and work at

Videos at FR33MANTV continue to go well, although my time is more dedicated lately to live projects such as Peace News and Bitcoin Talk Show. I love producing peace propaganda, and I’m glad you love to consume it. If you get value out of my work, please trade some value my way. “He who pays the piper calls the tune,” and I want my audience to be in control–not advertisers. Thank you for helping keep all Derrick J Media 100% viewer sponsored.

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If you want to support my work,  scan the bitcoin QR code above.

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