Keene Primary Voter’s Guide

Tomorrow is voting day!  The polls are open 8a-7p. If you live in Keene and don’t know where to vote, check the info here.  Tuesday September 9th is primary day and there are some very important races happening in Keene,  If you are an “undeclared” voter, you can pull the party’s ballot of your choice and then “undeclare” again on the way out of the polls.  Here are the liberty-oriented candidates for which you can vote this year in Keene as well as some lesser-of-the-evils candidates:

Democrat Ballot:

Ward 1: State Rep Cheshire District 4 – James Cleaveland

All Wards: State Rep Cheshire District 16 – Conan Salada

County Commission: Terry Clark

Register of Probate: (write-in) Darryl W. Perry

Governor: Ian Freeman

Republican Ballot:

Ward 1: State Rep Cheshire District 4 – David Crawford

All Wards: State Rep Cheshire District 16 – Varrin Swearingen

State Senate: Write-in Ian Freeman

Governor: Andrew Hemingway

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