Mother Jones’ Follow-up Piece on the Free State Project’s Coming Completion

motherjonesWith less than 75 signers to go until its goal of 20,000 signers, the Free State Project’s looming completion is starting to hit the media. First up, Mother Jones, who published a feature piece on Keene activism in 2011 is back to follow up on the FSP in this article by Madison Pauly.

The original piece in Mother Jones in 2011 was written by Tim Murphy and called Keene activism a “hybrid of Gandhi and Project Mayhem”. I was impressed with Mother Jones – they actually had a fact checking person call me separate from the reporter to verify the facts in Murphy’s submitted piece. It was a well-researched piece.

The new piece, published today overviews the project and interviews several participants moved and yet-to-move. Check it out!

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