NATO 2012 Chicago: Initial Reports

Here are the videos so far produced by Free Concord from the weekend of the NATO Summit in Chicago, May 18-20.

A glimpse of helicopter coverage by Chicago police and higher authorities throughout the marches.


60 seconds of footage from outside of the Art Institute, where Michelle Obama had been hosting a dinner as protesters peacefully partied outside.


A radio interview with Free Concord’s Garret Ean illustrated with footage from the scene. Original Free Talk Live podcast linked here.


A few suspicious characters walk about Chicago in search of the NATO, bearing arms for hugs.


The climax of the protest activity, prior to CPD’s skull-bashing crowd dispersal, the medal disposal ceremony by US armed forces veterans against the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.


If you ask me who (one of) the fed(s) was, it was probably this guy (on the right).

His sign advertises a website in support of the five social revolutionary extraordinaires who thought their talents would be best directed at blowing up a bridge outside of Cleveland. Though the Cleveland crew seems to have executed a plot handed to them by their friendly federal informant, the same is not the case with the ‘terrorism’ raid and arrests in Chicago the week before the summit. The three individuals charged as ‘terrorists’ under Illinois state law are not accused of having carried out any sort of attack, and it is known that a confidential informant tipped off the raid resulting in the multiple arrests. Both cases were introduced to the public alongside claims from law enforcement that the suspects were all ‘self-proclaimed anarchists’.

Stay tuned for more content from the action packed weekend.

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