[Transcribed from Kurt’s “Mail From Jail” letter, which can be found here. Be sure to visit Mail-to-Jail to write letters to Kurt in jail.]
Day 16. Sunday, October 18, 2009
Last night at around 10:00 PM or so, I finally received stamps and other mailing supplies that I requested at the first given opportunity on Monday.
It is so hard for me to comprehend the vast amount of support I’ve had. Mail has come in not only from all over the geographical XXX often named as “The United States of America” but also from over seas as well.
As I ought to have expected I just heard word that the gang calling themselves “government” again is not applying their own rules and truths to themselves, but aggressing further still, violently and deceitfully against any and all who challenge them.
Now I have a deeper appreciation of what the Browns were up against when the Feds and their local groupies (small brained cops) relentlessly and vigilantly pursued their quest to create the enemy they needed to have to justify their existence to a scared people. It is with lament I look back now and question what else could I and others have done to more help the Brown family…and we all know how they made that turn out.
After my visit this morning, from my wife and the people I consider my “chosen family” (as opposed to the ones who fearfully do not support my actions (the ones I also love and was born into)), I discovered for the first time that I can and tried to escape through some door where I was, according to Lance Walton (a man I have previously called to his ace, one of their best actors) “running pretty fast and tripped.” With my one open eye (I still have double vision so I keep one closed to better focus) and my body hunched over trying to find comfort in any position, I got overwhelmed with disbelief. How could anyone (especially someone who claims to be a Godly man) blatantly lie and… I cant… I just can’t believe it. I am more disappointed in humanity and more certain there is… oh the sadness I feel, but not for me, but for the awfulness of what these men (thugs) do regularly. Who on earth do they think they are helping? The answer is easy. They are helping themselves. They are the biggest gang in America, make no doubt about it.
The good that comes from this is that it will attract more people and it re-energizes my ambitions. I’m stronger in spirit than ever and it proves to me that they will go down in the history books for just what they are. I believe that we all reap what we sow and in the end we will all get our “just reward.” Some of them and some of us just may also be fortunate to see it in this world, while we are still here. The vast amount of mail I’ve received showing (surprisingly) that more people are coming to peaceably clash with the violent ones is overwhelming. If they only knew that “to lose, is to actually win” then the whole evolution will go much more smoothly.
If I was alone in this situation I may have caved long ago. Thank you all for loving your lives and loving freedom, and knowing it’s the only way to peaceably win in the end, to have made the decision to move to NH, to put these thugs back in the sewer they crawled out of, or to lift them out if they are worthy.
It is my firm belief that no matter how difficult and how many mistakes are made, that God is on our side.
Peace, Love, Progress,
[Kurt also sent a 2nd letter, in which he expressed hesitance in publishing the letter above. I think his words in both letters are important to hear, so I am sharing them both.]
I am not sure if it’s good to publish that crap. My emotions are all over the place and I don’t want to continue to come off like the a-hole I am and the a-hole I’m trying not to be. Use your discretion and please send suggestions! :p
me (Kurt)