Letter #2 from Kurt in Jail

[Transcribed from Kurt’s “Mail From Jail” letter, which can be found here. Be sure to visit Mail-to-Jail to write letters to Kurt in jail.]

Monday, October 19, 2009, Day 17

Not being on death row is exciting! Okay, I can hardly contain my excitement, even through day 17 of head and neck wrenching pain. The word from some of the guys (and the guards asked me not to share their names 🙂 ) I have been reported to about Yadra, Yahoo (or “Hey You”) and “Maddox.” I know Yadra, but I’m not yet sure who the others the government educated guards are calling “Free Staters.” The word is that they are not “giving out their real names”… Um, why on earth do that and who are you to demand it or lock a human in a cage until they say uncle? Yes folks, they are being tenacious in their quest to expose yet more awful deficiencies (do they do ANYTHING good? (or well)) of the system of top down thuggery.

One thing I want you all to know is that even the warden came and saw me early on. It was the following Monday when according to Van Wickler, the Sentinel was on the way. Well, I couldn’t then (and still can hardly walk more than 6 feet without excruciating back/neck/head pain) walk and because the left side of my face was still all bruised and I would be requiring the ONE filthy wheel-chair they had, they called it off… I would have preferred any of the following superior publications/media sources, FreeKeene.com staff, Keene/NH Free Press, Obscured Truth Network, or Free Talk Live folks, but Ian has kindly informed me that the jail folks say that the bias publication is “not biased”… huh? Yeah, the “main stream” paper. Sorry if I may sound “biased” in my philosophy (by the way, Yadra is telling them he’s a philosopher, as his occupation, and the idiots laugh… oh how I’m enjoying this) but they sure are late bloomers now, aren’t they?

One more quick update; there are four or five protesters outside as I write this and I’m on cloud nine… Oh, and none of the “inmates” told anyone outside I was still in a wheelchair. Wink wink! Think and be peace.


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