Letter #5 from Kurt in Jail

[Transcribed from Kurt’s “Mail From Jail” letter, which can be found here. Be sure to visit Mail-to-Jail to write letters to Kurt in jail.]

Wed, Oct 21, 2009 A.D., Day 20

Last night after asking 13 different guards, one finally got back to me on a book Sam A. Robrin sent to me. They said “it was denied due to content.” Come to find out it was “Illuminatus,” a book Sam A. Robrin has been wanting me to read for quite some time. The guard named “Beyer” was finally kind enough and respectful enough to inform me. He did also mention that it is in my “private property.” My guess is that they denied it because it was over their own reading levels. Okay, I’ll stop… but seriously, how silly is that?

It appears that they are tracking my mail and I’ll have to outsmart them (which isn’t hard) but, they are often not nice to the “inmates” and have barked at me a few times. I suppose they get to forgetting they are speaking with fellow human beings. I’m not really sure why they feel so threatened that they must track my mail. I sure don’t have the “influence” that Sam or Ian or some other folks have (who are less LOUD than I am). I’m no Dave Ridley.

This morning, as I do every morning, I open both eyes after praying that I can see without double vision… again, nope, and I woke to the usual and all too familiar room spinning thing. The “Doctor” hasn’t looked or examined me once. The Physician Assistant, early on, at least flashed a few lights in my eyes.

This morning, the guards helped themselves to inmate breakfasts at taxpayers expense yet again. One of the morbidly obese guards whose name tag reads “E. WARD” was the one that shorted the inmates in the “day-room” they currently have me in, by 2 breakfast servings, which are trays. They wake up inmates at all house. Some slightly peacefully yet others simply kick the bed they are sleeping in and tell them to get up for the “work detail.” Being still immobile (if I stand up it hurts like mad, but I’m practicing and exercising regularly) enables me to see how the team of thugs make modern day slaves out of human beings who have guilt literally been caged for things as small as not driving with government papers on their person.

Kieth, a quiet and friendly fellow caged human being is locked up for 2 MONTHS and his son is due to be born on Nov. 11th and he’s in here until the end of November with “good-time.” “Good-time” is merely a threat tool they use to encourage your slave-dom. They call it anything but, but you know what it is.

Kieth’s job is now over… ruined, He’s a sub-contractor who has a family he can’t feed for two months, a pregnant wife about ready to give birth, a mortgage he will now not be able to fulfill and God only knows what he has to go through to get back on track after they use and abuse not only him, his livelihood, but that of everyone in his life and everyone he interacts with… I completely understand where Kieth is coming from. With the threats the Blue Light Gang and the men in black dresses calling themselves everyone’s judges impose against a formally free people, the potential for disaster seems incredible. When I get out, I will have nothing left. Actually, I could not even go looking for a job because I know they threaten people like me even more so because we have an understanding that their power is simply an illusion, but yes, they have more guns, more violence, more life wrecking threats that they spew at us… well, I’ve already lost one job for simply believing the Nashua PD thugs officers Stone and Anderson. The threat of “time in a cage,” away from my ability to do anything productive for my family and myself and others, why on earth even look, especially in this depressed work climate (thank you Feds for creating this most recent bubble).

Kieth is now on the phone calling and leaving a message with his lawyer to attempt to get out of here on furlough to perhaps be able to get to see his son being born and maybe be able to properly feed him and nourish him. That will likely cost him $1,5–.00 for his lawyer to simply send a motion to the “judge”… when will it end?

Sure, many people don’t agree with my particular attitude and I appreciate that. Simply put, I’m tired of being beaten by those who imagine they have rights to own me. When my big mouth opens, I feel I’m speaking for more than myself but I’m not sure. My heart aches for all the supposed “bad guys” in here who are simply caged humans and innocent of harming anyone! Furthermore the threats never end. How many more will be caged for attempting to work to feed their families, themselves, or contribute to the lives of others as they see best? How many more? I miss my wife. I miss her dearly. That’s all for now. Be Peace. Be the Answer.

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