Letter #13 from Kurt in Jail

[Transcribed from Kurt’s “Mail From Jail” letter, which can be found here. Be sure to visit Mail-to-Jail to write letters to Kurt in jail.]Kurt

Thursday, October 29, 2009 A.D., Day 28 – 152 to go

Don’t Ask

Today is visitation day! I get to see the love of my life! Sweet sadness is the theme.

Much to nobody’s surprise this mail is read by the Gestapo, ah, sorry, I mean government workers. Yes folks, even after sealing it up and placing some security marks on it, as well as recording which guard took which letter and the date being put on the outside of the envelope, they read the mail. Yes folks, some government workers can read, however, when you ask a question, don’t you generally want an answer? Perhaps not if you are asking rhetorically but… not once have I responded to “Mr. Hoffman.” When asked by the guard named Coulme (or Colon) what the reason was and explaining after I asked if he seriously wanted to know why I don’t choose to have a last name rather than my family name he replied in true government fashion by saying rapidly “I don’t want to hear any of that nonsense,” then tried to insult me. It’s wise to take what he says with a grain of salt… well if you seriously want to know then be patient enough and have a brain enough to LISTEN!

There is some praise today. “Corrections” officers Dooley and Barrett drove me to Cheshire Medical Center FINALLY to have my eyes examined. Guess what they discovered? I won’t hold you in suspense, my eyes are not seeing correctly. I have double vision. The people in the hospital all kind of stepped back when they saw the man in a wheelchair with an orange jail suit on, two “corrections” officers by each side, and shackled hands and feet (I must be a real threat). To my surprise, each one replied “Hi” or “Hello” with a smile, and I didn’t miss speaking to anyone in my proximity. I told them, if they wanted to “write me up” for speaking to people they could but it won’t stop me. It was the first time I saw the outdoors. I felt the sun on my neck as we travelled down Maple Avenue. A tear came to my eyes when we passed place I often walk my little buddy Scamper. I have never taken the elements for granted and this was no exception. The building on Court Street near the vet clinic we took Rosalee to was nearing structural completion. It looks horrible but what do people know about aesthetic design these days? Perhaps it will be more attractive when completed.

My back is still in bad shape, my neck and head still agonize me, I’m still dizzy and more but at least I can praise them for taking me, finally, after 28 days of torturous vision, to get it looked at by an opthamologist. Dr. Dale was a nice lady, and Laura the nurse treated me like a human for the first time in days. It was more to me than a trip to see the doctor.

When departing in the cruiser I mentioned to Dooley and Barrett that they had no idea what it felt like to feel what I just did. Barrett, to his credit said, I think I can partially understand. I said nothing back but he asked me “What do you miss the most?” to which not a moment passed and I replied “my wife.” He said, another guy the other day said “driving his car.” Not me. I know I have a most precious gift in her, one I don’t deserve, but she also doesn’t deserve to not have me to look out for her and provide and be all I am supposed to be without the gang of thugs that wants their power and income by any means necessary.

I do expect to be “written up” as I do say hello to nearly everyone. Most of the people in here are in here for statutory “offenses” (for lack of a better term)(. Yes, there are some that have been charged with fraud or theft, but oddly the one thief was in and out in 7 days. Red flag anyone? Yes, I’m shaking my head too. I can’t help but think that we are living in very dark times. I believe as my good friend Yadra believes, that we are beginning the world’s first true civilization. This system is surely NOT civilized, not in any remote form or fashion.

The guards named Dooley and Barrett, did handle me gently while carrying the chair and I up and down the few steps leading to the sally port at the jail. I only really felt a great deal of pain re-entering the car, I did ask to be seat belted.

Well, long winded Kurt is going to seal this one up and “mail it.” We’ll see how dangerous they think I am for mentioning what I do, if this and any others actually reach you. More tomorrow… if you seriously want to know.

Live in Peace,


P.S. I’ve been suggesting people who are in here go to FreeKeene.com when they get out. Some may need help as the system people have destroyed much of their lives and I know where I’ve found the best humans I’ve ever known and come to love on FreeKeene.com, so if they show up, you may blame me. 🙂

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