Fundraising for Exile

Today I am painting a neighbor’s house for some cash.  Tomorrow I’ll be weeding another neighbor’s garden.  This is how I’ve been raising money while I prepare for the “Tour” part of my Exile to kick off (Aug 18th).  It’s therapeutic putting my body to work at these tasks, though I would much rather be filming and editing videos with a liberty message.  I’m making the best of this time though, and I’m finding that making connections with neighbors and providing services for them is rewarding in a different–almost spiritual–way.

Even if I work this way every day for the next 2 weeks, I still won’t be totally prepared for Exile.  I’ll need some money for Greyhound tickets, meals, and crash-spaces, as well as the ever-important livestreaming services I’ll be using to document the journey.  Some supporters of mine have chosen to donate to help me cover these costs.  You can too!  I’m already 43% of the way to completing my goal of raising $1,000 to begin the tour.  Read more about how you can support me here.  To those who have already donated, thanks for your support!

PS If you didn’t catch the live version yesterday, I was on Freedom Feens with Michael W. Dean and Neema Vedadi. It was a riot! Enjoy it and learn more by clicking this link.

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