HALLOWKEENE Costume Party to Benefit Ross Ulbricht


Ross Ulbricht faces decades in prison for allegedly running the Silk Road underground online market.

Join Derrick J and dozens of liberty-loving folk for the first-ever HALLOWKEENE Costume Dance Party on November 1st from 9pm through Midnight at the Best Western Sovereign Hotel ballroom! This is a costume dance party and there will be three prizes for the top three costumes! You can indicate you’re coming via this facebook event.

More importantly, this event is a fundraiser for Ross Ulbricht. He’s been accused of running the Silk Road black market website, and he needs your help to avoid life in prison. Whether or not you attend the party, you can give to Ross’ legal campaign here.

If you don’t have your Keenevention badge with you, please have at least $10 (or BTC) to donate to Ross at the door of HALLOWKEENE to get entry to the party. See you on Saturday, 11/1 from 9p-Mid. Boo!

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