by James Cleaveland | Aug 7, 2013 |
On Monday, August 12, 2013 at 9 AM, the “Evidentiary” hearing for the Robin Hooding lawsuit will commence at:
Court Room 1, Superior Court, 12 Court Street, Keene NH 03431.
The hearing is allotted seven hours and will determine if there is any grounds to continue the lawsuit and if a preliminary injunction should be granted against the respondents placing restrictions on their constitutionally protected rights of freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of assembly.
As previously mentioned, Jon Meyer is representing five of the robin hooders and Pete Erye is going pro se.
The “city of Keene” has hired a private law firm at an unknown cost to Keene taxpayers to represent “its” interests despite having a city attorney and his own assistants.
It should be interesting to see the supposed evidence that the “city” has regarding all the so-called “harassing” behavior by the robin hooders.
There is a chance that this ridiculous case will be dropped on constitutional issues.
If you can make it, I hope to see you there.
Yours Truly,
-James ‘Robin Hood’ Cleaveland
by James Cleaveland | Jun 17, 2013 |
This post is my response to Steve Gilbert’s column, Free Keene and The Golden Rule, by Steve Gilbert
In a recent column, Steve Gilbert of the Keene Sentinel makes the argument that Free Keene’s Robin Hooders have violated the basic tenet of the golden rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” I agree that the golden rule is a pretty good standard to try to live one’s life by. I do not feel that any of MY actions as a Robin Hooder have violated this tenet.
Unfortunately, the city of Keene does not abide by this principle. The city of Keene engages daily in a form of bullying through its parking enforcers by using the city’s position of power to coerce people into paying for parking in public spaces whether they want to or not. The tickets are a form of extortion that I believe is unwarranted since they are issued to people who are simply parking their vehicles; an act which I do not think justifies the use of force. If a private business left a bill on someone’s vehicle which kept exponentially increasing if it wasn’t paid, sent threatening letters to one’s home regarding the bill, and eventually stole and held someone’s car to coerce them to pay the bill, most would view this behavior as unacceptable and not abiding by the golden rule.
by James Cleaveland | Jun 2, 2013 |
If you ever wanted to see what occurs during a typical day of robin hooding, feel free to check out the footage that Peter ‘Sturdy’ Thomas, the former “Police Captain of Field Operations” of the Keene police department took for the “city.” He was hired as an “Investigator” and paid $28.81/hour ($1,339.67 total) to film robin hooders on the streets of Keene. I filed a 91a request (Freedom of information in NH) for the footage.
Here is a link to the footage:
There are a lot of interesting things that happen when Peter is out filming, but my personal favorite is when someone tries to give Peter change (in support of robin hooding) after I explain to the person what robin hooding is.
by James Cleaveland | May 22, 2013 |
Recently I appeared on Fox News talking about Robin Hooding.
Here is the clip: Fox News Robin Hood
by James Cleaveland | May 12, 2013 |
The city of Keene has filed a lawsuit (copy here) against me and several other people regarding robin hooding (Respondents). Basically, the city wants the court to issue a “preliminary” and “permanent” injunction “restraining Respondents, or anyone under their direction, supervision, employment, or control, from coming within a safety zone of fifty (50) feet of any PEO [Parking Enforcement Officer] while that PEO is on duty.” Additionally, the city wants to stop us “from video recording, within a safety zone of fifty (50) feet,” and “from communicating with any PEO.”
The city alleges that “Respondents have repeatedly video recorded, interfered with, taunted, and intimidated PEOs during the performance of their employment duties,” which is ridiculous for several reasons, most importantly, according to the job description for a city of Keene parking enforcer, “This position requires a person” to “relate with the general public” and “Endure verbal and mental abuse when confronted with the hostile views and opinions of the public and other individuals often encountered in an antagonistic environment.”