All Charges Dropped Against Man Who Was Beat Up By Manchester Police

All Charges have been dropped against Christopher Micklovich who was arrested after being beat up by four off-duty Manchester police officers. Micklovich was charged with criminal mischief, disorderly conduct, simple assault and resisting arrest.

As previously reported, three of the officers were suspended after an internal review found that they violated standard operating procedures. Jonathan Duchesne, Michael Buckley and Matt Jajuga were all suspended without pay for an undisclosed period of time. The fourth officers, Lt. Ernie Goodno faces no penalties as he retired from the force shortly after the incident.

Although an internal review found the officers did not act in a criminal manner, the Hillsborough County Attorney, Robert Walsh, has decided to review the matter himself. This has enraged two different police unions, who insist the public should be left in the dark as to what actually happened outside the Strange Brew Tavern on March 3, 2010.

Free Minds TV July 9, 2010 (EP 164)

The Queen of England uses up $57 million a year in tax dollars and does nothing, excess coffee may help protect against Alzheimer disease, a disabled man caught drinking on his wheel chair has been banned from using motorized wheel chairs for three years, and a mom and son are facing criminal charges for making dry ice bombs.

Police Get A Tap On The Wrist For Beating A Manchester Man

On March 3, 2010, Chris Micklovich was asked to leave a bar in Manchester because he had too much to drink. Once outside the bar, Chris was met by four off-duty police officers. The officers proceeded to cause 26 facial fractures to Chris’s face before arresting him, although they claim they did nothing wrong.

After an internal review, the officers were found to have “violated standard operating procedures,” although their actions were “were not criminal.”

If it takes four officers to beat a drunk guy half to death in order to take him into custody, the officers are either acting criminally, or they are so incompetent at their jobs that they should never be given a badge again.

Instead of going to jail, as anyone else who did this would, the officers are being suspended without pay for an undisclosed period of time.

What is particularly disturbing about this case is the fact that four officers participated in this. Michael Buckley, Jonathan Duchesne, Matt Jajuga and Lt. Ernie Goodno either participated in this act of aggression, or stood by and watched it happen. All but one of these officers, Goodno who recently retired, will be back on the beat in no time, “protecting us.” I know I feel safe.

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