This week James ‘Robin Hood’ Cleaveland joins to discuss his run for city council, mayoral candidate, Darryl Perry, makes an anti-BearCat campaign video and the King of Keene fights back with his own video. Darryl is not amused.
Does the city of Keene actually want to lose the Robin Hooding lawsuits in order to save money? Can cat ladies blame their affliction on invisible cat loving parasites? Will Darryl blow up my studio speakers playing horrible R&B music? Find out all that and more on this week’s episode of Black Sheep Rising. Boner Joe Joins.
Municipal elections are upon us. Five of us are running. Do we stand a chance? Are we wasting our time trying to fight this broken system from within their parameters? Darryl and I discuss.
In this episode: Harry Reid -vs- all those anarchists in government, Obama, who’s friends with Jay Z, kickstarts WWIII, and cops that like shooting stuff especially animals. The Rapsher joins the fray.
If you were fortunate enough to catch all of AKPF #1 special protest edition installment Aqua Kommunity Protest Fountain #1, then you had the opportunity to hear a conversation between merry person Garret and AKPF agent Jane regarding free will and predestination. In addition to the privilege of being exposed to complex philosophical positions, this visual piece also offers a window into the state of Robin Hooding and parking enforcement on July 25 2013, when this footage was captured. There’s plenty that could be said on the topic, considering that the concept of determinism was only briefly broached. Keep eyes out for further analysis to be published here. See the 8 1/2 minute illustrated segment embedded below:
In this latest episode we totally nerd out and discuss some really awesome fan theory movie endings that sound better than the original. Also, Darryl makes peace with the dog. Straight up Bizarro world. Nikki and Michael join.