On the Campaign Trail with Vermin Supreme, Carlos Miller Acquitted Again

While hours of footage from the 2012 election is being sorted and uploaded to Fr33manTVraw, I have assembled two videos of Vermin Supreme raising consciousness for his campaign. The first is a scene from just outside of the Mitt Romney and Kid Rock performance on the eve of the election at the Verizon Wireless Arena.

An illustrated video of Vermin’s appearance on Free Talk Live the saturday before the election has been created using footage from Free Concord and friends. (more…)

Why You Should Consider Vermin Supreme in 2012

If there’s ever a time to get political, they tell us that this is it. The 2012 imperial, state, and local elections will be held this coming Tuesday, and with them a new era of egomania.

The most overhyped and least important race to the individual voter should be the US presidential election. The individual has the least amount of sway in that race, and change is never more than a hope for the corrupt charmers who accept the deals necessary to privilege oneself to either of the duopoly party’s factions. By his actions more than his words, the first term of Barack Obama shall be judged. And by considering his active advancement of the military industry, both abroad and domestically through the militarization of police, the dear leader is revealed as a shapeshifter whose original, charming facade of representing peace has faded. Today in Concord, Barack revved the crowd to reminders of his ordered hit on Osama Bin Laden, and generally dodged all foreign policy, incorrectly claiming to have ended the war in Iraq, and citing plans just over the horizon to end conflict in Afghanistan.

Though I digress, because the presidential election is not actually about Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. The election is about who the individual voter feels is the most principled and prepared person to undertake the tasks of the almighty office of the US president. Flocking, many people will select from prescribed candidates of the red and blue team. (more…)

With Three Days Left, Barack Romney and Mitt Obama Keep Kicking Through NH

Both official presidential candidates, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, will be spending the days leading up to the election appearing and speaking in New Hampshire. Tomorrow morning in Concord, the Obama will be appearing at a ticketed event with none other than former US president Bill Clinton. Monday evening, the night before the election, Mitt Romney will be cohosting an event at the Verizon Colosseum with Kid Rock. The red-and-blue team duo have been traveling the country extensively, appearing with various celebrities who endorse their respective candidacies. The news blog Cleveland.com posted a story today that an underadvertised campaign appearance and concert with Barack Obama featuring Stevie Wonder had less than 200 attendees. A security perimeter has already been established downtown for the Concord event tomorrow morning. It’s comical that such a massive security event as a presidential appearance can be executed without an event promoter catching on to the lack of marketing.

Fourth party presidential candidate Vermin Supreme has confirmed earlier tonight in an appearance on Free Talk Live that he will be live and in person outside of the Romney event scheduled for Monday evening.

Meanwhile in Concord, chalk has already been laid out for the two presidents primed to appear tomorrow morning. (more…)

US Supreme Court to Weigh the Infallibility of Drug Detector Canines

An article in the Washington Post that has been widely syndicated discusses how the collection of evidence by the use of drug detector dogs will be considered by the united states supreme court. Two cases are pending on the docket, both from Florida, which question the effectiveness as well as the constitutionality of canines for drug detection use. The article cites studies from the University of California at Davis in which 18 police canine teams were sent through a facility and tasked with finding hidden drugs. Though there were no drugs in the facility, 17 of the teams reported alerts. Barry Cooper, former police officer and producer of the Never Get Busted educational film series has discussed his own manipulation of police canines while he was working as one of the most successful narcotics interdiction detectives. Anyone who has owned a dog knows that their life revolves around serving their pack leader. There are no objective standards or testing done of the animals to demonstrate their effectiveness. In a 2005 case, former supreme court judge David Souter stated that the infallible dog “is a creation of legal fiction”.

Last year, the Florida supreme court had thrown out a case from 2006 which featured questionable probable cause for a search after a police dog sniffed and acted playfully. Judge Barbara Pariente wrote: (more…)