Aqua Kourt Pillage Feud #1

jonmeyer_bauernh_akpfPremiering in this week’s AKPF #1 timeslot is Aqua Kourt Pillage Feud #01, the first installment of Robin Hood of Keene‘s edited trial highlights from the raw full hearing. The next such occasion is scheduled for September 30 and October 1, unless a motion to dismiss filed by attorney Jon Meyer is granted prior. Last week featured Pete’s testimony chopped down to a format easily consumable by a televisual audience. This week’s video consists primarily of parking enforcer Linda’s testimony, and drudges on indefinitely until details begin to emerge.

Prince John Exposed: Granting Undue Royal Authority

2013_08_21_princejohnThe audience of the Keene district court on Wednesday had the unique privilege of seeing Prince John exposed for secretly bestowing undue royal authority upon city employees. The Prince acknowledged on the stand to granting an unconstitutional “no-trespass order” authority on police officers in response to complaints in Keene’s Central Square. The ability to dole out punishments is specifically a utility afforded the judicial branch, and only following a finding of guilt given due process of law. Prince John decided via royal decree to invite KPD employees (under which the AKPF is a subdivision) to play legislative, executive, and judicial functions by implementing this policy. While Graham, through his volunteering attorney Jon Meyer, is the first to challenge this unlawful ban, it is unknown how many other members of the 2013_perakpfcommunity were given no-trespassing orders from the town square for such innocuous acts as bicycling and skateboarding. Knight Jason Short testifies that he obediently observed the decree in accordance with royal commandment. In Keene, artwork often suggests enforcement of the ordinance provisions are carried out by the infamous Aqua Keene Parking Force. See the video below of his majesty’s court being turned against him. (more…)

Jon Meyer Proves City Banning People Illegally from Central Square

Graham Colson, a Robin Hooder, was illegally banned from Central Sq. with an unconstitutional and unauthorized-by-statute-or-ordinance “no trespass” order. Later, he was arrested for violating the illegal order and now heroic first amendment attorney Jon Meyer has stepped into the case and filed a motion to dismiss. This court footage is the hearing on said motion, where Meyer proves the “City of Keene” and the police clearly not only violated the constitution but also broke the law and violated due process. Go Jon Meyer!

CoK Publishes AKPF Photo Album

2013_08_12_rhphoto_015bOn the date of Robin Hood of Keene’s evidentiary hearing this past Monday, the Merry People were provided with what may otherwise be considered a friendship gesture, in the form of a photo album organized by the bureaucrats of the Democratic People’s Republic of Keene (Official DPRK). The album, much like the video that they played in court, in many ways violates the best evidence rule, as an upcoming video will address. It’s also worth noting the lack of an adblock program on DPRK computer machines — how obsolete! In the meantime, enjoy perusing the album created by the city and also enjoy this summary video of Pete Eyre’s testimony at Monday’s hearing. The video below will be airing in this upcoming week’s AKPF #1 timeslot. (more…)

Robin Hood “Evidentiary Hearing” Day1 – Full Court Video + Pete’s Testimony

This is the unedited video from Cheshire superior court where the Robin Hooders are involved in a civil trial brought by the people calling themselves “The City of Keene”. The city people want Robin Hooding (a peaceful activity that saves motorists from parking tickets) to cease. Don’t miss Pete Eyre’s testimony at the end:

Pete’s segment was so good, I even cut it out into a separate video. If you don’t have time for the full 5.5 hours, definitely make time for Pete’s testimony. The CopBlocker speaks truth to power and flummoxes an experienced attorney, who clearly didn’t know to whom he was speaking:

Cheshire TV Stars Meet in Series Crossover

While Robin Hooding this past Saturday in Keene, there was much Cheshire TV series crossover occuring, as Merry person Garret was joined by Black Sheep Rising producer and 2013_08_10_ji_akpf1co-host Conan, as well as the mute miniature pinscher co-host Ji. Fans of the AKPF #1 series would be familiar with the parking enforcers who star in the program. The after-hours mature talk show, Black Sheep Rising, is well known for its mascot studio dog Jioto, or more simply known as Ji. While Ji was actively participating in Robin Hooding for most of the day, he did take a break to beg the friendly parking enforcer for treats. AKPF agent Jane satisfied his request before the impassioned young canine set back out to filling expired meters for his hominid comrades.