On Saturday December 8, 2012 the Keene Police held an Emergency Vehicle Open House, where they showed off various vehicles from the Police Department as well as the Fire Department and Department of Public Works. Below are two of the many videos from the event.
On Saturday December 8 at 9am, the Keene Police Department held an “Emergency Vehicle Open House” where they showed off their toys. Not only did the KPD display the Ballistic Engineered Armored Response Counter Attack Truck, they also displayed a fire truck, snow plows, a police cruiser and other vehicles from the Fire Department and Department of Public Works.
It wasn’t all business, enter the Shire Choir to lighten the mood and brighten a dreary day:
A parody Mitt Romney advertisement created by a production team in Southern California with New Hampshire ties envisions what Bain Capital sponsorship of the Crips street gang might result in.
Meanwhile, President Obama continue to promote his Obamadrone program as he campaigns around the nation this election day.
The document mentions civil disobedience, but really focuses on the political successes that FSP participants have had – a real testament to the success of that style of activism.
Clearly working within the system is working here, unlike everywhere else. The politicos have been vindicated, but this document is also proof that there is no safe road. There’s no way to make everyone happy if what you want is to change the status quo.
Looks like we are well on our way on the path Gandhi made famous:
“First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”
Back in 2011, Keene-based activists traveled south to Palmer, MA to support Jay Noone as his home was being taken from him by the people calling themselves the “Town of Palmer”. You can see the video of that day’s events here.
In the 2011 visit, we were able to walk about the town offices and ask the employees questions with no threats from Palmer police.
This time, however, things were different. Activists once again traveled South to help protect Jay Noone’s home from being sold at a “tax sale”. Coincidentally, we happened to encounter a tax sale at Palmer town hall back in 2011 as well. This time, no one from the public was allowed into the “very open, public tax sale”. The first stop however was the “open house”, where potential buyers were informed that the home is stolen property and that they would be included in a lawsuit by Jay if they purchased the home.
Palmer police were mostly giving us the silent treatment, especially one officer who was parked conspicuously down the street video recording us from afar on a dated, tape-based device. Finally, I was later arrested for the horrible crime of walking into town hall with a video camera and refusing to shut it off. Apparently, the Glik decision didn’t mean much to these bureaucrats. All that and more are all included in this 15 minute video of the scene:
As you may recall, at the very beginning of the year, half-a-dozen liberty activists were banned “forever” from Cheshire “superior” court for the horrible crimes of asking bureaucrats questions and singing parody Christmas carols in the parking lot.
Kelly, Derrick, and I were all arrested at the court in February and charged with “Criminal trespass” for simply trying to go to court. Heroic first amendment attorney Jon Meyer joined the case on my defense and filed a motion to dismiss.
Now David Lauren, the attorney representing “the state” has responded with a ridiculous “Answer and Objection to Motion to Dismiss” and “Motion for Protective Order“. Essentially, Lauren argues that our rights weren’t violated because we could have asked to come anytime and it would have been granted. He also claims that court employees were afraid for their personal safety as well as that of their family and home. Apparently singing songs strikes fear into the hearts of government bureaucrats.
Sounds to me like they are projecting. Hey bureaucrats – us activist-folk are peaceful – it’s YOU guys that are supporting and doing violence every day in your role in the aggressive court system. No activist has ever harmed a court employee or destroyed their property. There’s no reason to be afraid, but they are so fearful that their attorney has motioned for a “protective order”, which, if granted, would allow the court bureaucrats to submit affidavits without last names or addresses! What cowards!