VICE Reports on Free State Project and NH Nanobrewer Freedoms

VICEIt’s not VICE’s first time reporting on a Free State Project participant.  They last covered Free Keene blogger Rich Paul facing down decades in prison for selling cannabis.  Now, they turn to alcohol in this report on deregulating nanobreweries featuring FSP participant and early mover Kevin Bloom.

In addition to being the founder of the new Area 23 nanobrewery, Kevin is also the political director for the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance.  Here’s his interview with VICE.

Live Tweets from Derrick J’s Gun Rights Hearing

Darryl W. Perry this morning was live tweeting from Derrick J’s appeal of the Keene Police denying him the “shall issue” permit to concealed carry a firearm. Here’s a reverse chronological recap of his tweets:

Darryl W. Perry @DarrylWPerry · 3h 3 hours ago
Judge is taking it under advisement
Darryl W. Perry @DarrylWPerry · 4h 4 hours ago
State alleges that #DerrickJ wouldn’t tell the truth if asked why he laughed in court
Darryl W. Perry @DarrylWPerry · 4h 4 hours ago
State says there is proof that #DerrickJ is violent because of a couple of resisting arrest charges, shouldn’t have a CCW but can open carry
Darryl W. Perry @DarrylWPerry · 4h 4 hours ago
State says that #DerrickJ is not suitable to have a CCW because he laughed in court and has been arrested for activism (more…)

Rebel Love Show Ep 28: Sedition w/ Jordan Page


Recorded November 15, 2014
Jordan Page was the latest guest on the Rebel Love Show to perform “Modus Operandi”, “Sedition”, and “Song for Bob Dylan”. Topics we discuss include the way Jordan discovered liberty, why he stays in the US, we share cop block and TSA stories, building the cultural identity of the liberty community, support for the remnant, bitcoin, and the roles we play to promote freedom. The Rebel Love Show is a once a week broadcast from Manchester and can be found on Itunes and Stitcher.

Derrick J’s Victimless Crime Spree is BACK!

This Monday 11/17, Free State Project participants will be releasing their 2nd movie produced in New Hampshire called “101 Reasons Liberty Lives in New Hampshire“. The new movie is being edited by FSP early mover Beau Davis, who was also the editor of the 1st FSP-participant-produced movie, the feature-length documentary, “Derrick J’s Victimless Crime Spree“.

To celebrate the imminent release of 101 Reasons, we’re releasing the Director’s Cut of DJVCS for the first time ever on YouTube! Of course the YouTube version doesn’t have the TWO commentary tracks or hours of bonus activist footage that you can only find on the DVD – so grab your copy or buy it as a gift for the holidays for under $10 at Amazon!

Here’s the Director’s Cut of the movie on YouTube:

And as an added bonus, here’s the QnA session with the producers that happened after the real-life premiere at Keene Cinemas in 2012: (more…)

Liberty in North Korea Visits Keene – This Saturday 11/8, 1pm @ KSC

Liberty in North KoreaTomorrow (Saturday 11/8) at 1pm at the Putnam Science Center of Keene State College, you’ll be able to hear from representatives of Liberty in North Korea presenting about the jangmadang, the illegal marketplace that is now tolerated to some extent by the North Korean regime. The LINK folks are currently on a nationwide tour and have also visited Keene High School this week with a presentation.

Come on out at 1pm Saturday – here’s a facebook event you can join and share.

Maximizing Your Time at Keenevention 2014

I look forward to participating in what will be the second annual Keenevention this weekend. The forum taking place at the Best Western Plus Sovereign Hotel on Winchester Street will feature panels and speeches by New Hampshire’s activist community. In addition to a panel focusing on Direct Action that I will be hosting on Sunday, I was also asked to speak on Saturday’s media panel by organizer Mark Edge. When I agreed, I was not informed who else would be on the panel, though I expected that organizers would only select participants of honorable reputation when showcasing the most effective activists that New Hampshire offers.

While there is certainly a need for diversity of perspective within the activist community, there are standards that a reasonable person would expect individuals would hold each other to if we wish to make any sort of collective impact. As a peace activist, anyone who directly advocated or applauds the use of violence can be objectively classified as having beliefs counter to my own. For myself, I am wasting my most valuable asset, my time, if I support those working against my interests, those who are promoting ideas that are the opposite of my own.earth_dark_light

It was once consensus within the libertarian and anarchist community of greater Keene that embracing peace was equally imperative to embracing ideas of social liberty. For whatever reason over the past year or so, that sentiment has changed as some formerly positive spirits have darkened amidst of heightened wave of reactionary opposition. (more…)