The case dates back to 2010 where Carla was arrested for recording a traffic stop in Weare (home of notoriously corrupt police who have arrested other activists for the same). Police dropped the charges against Carla before trial, which included a “wiretapping” charge. Carla, with the help of liberty attorney Seth Hipple, sued in federal district court. Her suit alleged the Weare police violated her rights, particularly those ostensibly protected by the 1st amendment to the US constitution. Weare PD motioned the district court for “summary judgement” based on claimed “qualified immunity” protecting the officers from liability. The district court denied them qualified immunity, so Weare’s attorneys filed an “interlocutory appeal” to challenge the district court’s decision.
The 1st Circuit US Court of Appeals is the same court from which the Glik decision emanated. Glik is cited multiple times in the 21-page Gericke decision as evidence that the right to record government workers, especially police, is protected by the 1st amendment. The court’s decision makes it clear that the officers do not have “qualified immunity” because they, were they acting as reasonable officers, should have recognized Carla’s right to record the scene.
The appeals court ruled in Carla’s favor and now the case goes back to federal district court to proceed ahead in civil court, with the officers not protected from liability by “qualified immunity”, a protective shield typically given to bureaucrats supposedly to protect them from personal liability from mistaken decisions. Unless the case is settled by the town of Weare or PD, it will proceed. Stay tuned for the latest.
Today’s controversial Cheshire TV weekly installment features a variety of diverse perspectives in media dating from as recently as two days ago to as far back as four years ago. Budgetary hearings come full circle as performance artists dominate in the state house, baked drivers take to the obstacle course, the world’s history is relayed with eggs, and anti-chalk hooliganism takes hold in Keene.
00:00 – Warning disclaimer to Cheshire TV audience
00:10 – I’ve Seen the Future monologue
03:41 – History of the World as told by Eggs
11:13 – Corporate News presents stoned drivers taking to the roads, safely
16:27 – The anti-chalk apocalypse, war on smiley faces genocide (de agua)
22:44 – The Law’s Coming, hell’s coming performance art
26:12 – Derrick J files some motions at the court
28:50 – End disclaimer segment
Through their actions, the key members of SFK!!! prove the anger in their hearts – what kind of person could feel good about such destruction of community artwork?
Some STOP FREE KEENE!!! members believe that threats, violence, and protest will somehow stop the flow of activists to Keene and NH at large. However, all they are accomplishing is attracting more movers and sparking new activism.
Free Keene is about love and peace. “STOP FREE KEENE!!!” is about anger. Peace is the way.
Property taxes are a drag, especially here in the Granite State, where, thanks to the “New Hampshire advantage,” they pretty much pay for every aspect of state and local government and the quality of the services we receive are proportional to the value of our community’s real estate and not an individual’s ability to pay.
So, wouldn’t it be nice to simply wish them away, to click the heels of your ruby red shoes and chant: “There’s no tax on home; there’s no tax on home,” and have it become reality?
We’ll soon find out, thanks to the organizers of the Shire Free Church, otherwise known as the Free Keene activists best-known for their efforts to fill expired parking meters, the subsequent court case stemming from their harassment of city parking enforcement employees, their attempts to bait local and state police by pretending to break local drug and alcohol laws, and their efforts to convince others to mess with the courts and the government.
The leaders of that group have applied for tax-exempt status, claiming their house at 73-75 Leverett St. in Keene, which has for several years served as a base for libertarian Internet broadcasting and their local political operations, is now a parsonage. (more…)
The issue at law is the question of whether the judge’s jury instructions violated the statute that makes the defense of “Jury Nullification” permissible in New Hampshire. See you there!
The producers of AKPF #1 are pleased to present this special edition family friendly censored edition of the forty-seventh episode of controversial Cheshire television talk series Black Sheep Rising. In this invigorating episode which originally published to the world on 14 May 2014, Conan, James, Garret, and Shaunna discuss wordly affairs as well as the present tribulations facing the restructuring Aqua Keene Parking Force. Also featuring a special official New Hampshire state vodka tasting in the program’s second hour. See the show notes and original uncensored cut of the episode as published to the official page of the Black Sheep Rising.