AKPF #1: Forum Blazing Conference

This week’s AKPF #1, Forum Blazing Conference reflects on a new direction following the NH Liberty Forum of 2014, from which footage will appear in next week’s episode.

0:00 – Cheshire TV disclaimer
0:10 – Huey Newton interviews William F Buckley on the colonist positionakpf_patriotic
5:15 – Irvin Rosenfeld blazes up in the New Hampshire statehouse smoking room in Concord on 12 May 2012
26:45 – Jeffrey Tucker talks to the Russia Today RT about bitcoin and the incarceration of Charlie Shrem
28:50 – End disclaimer

DPRK News Update for February

The official Democratic People’s Republic of Keene has released a ten minute February news update which airs on Cheshire TV as well as being hosted on the Aqua Keenedprk-unicorn-nhliquor youtube channel. In this timely update, we learn about the details of the audiotapes related to the Duckgate scandal from Nashua’s Crown Plaza Hotel, where an allegedly drunken state rep mowed down five ducks and injured more with his luxury vehicle. The recent electronic revenue generation theories being hypothesized in specific zones around Keene are overviewed, both from the perspectives of Keene’s Robin Hood as well as an AKPF field representative. Promotional consideration is given to the corporate sponsors, as the news update concludes with a hollywood cinematic teaser trailer.

Obama Speaks #SOTU For All

This week’s regularly scheduled AKPF #1 presentation has been rescheduled to present instead the presentation of official USA president Barack Obama in his Union of the State address for all citizens (but not all civilians). In the spirit of Mystery Science Theater 3000, but lacking in caricature silhouettes to adorn the bottom of the screen, the audience is treated to smokeblowimagesobamalive commentary from a local demographic recorded during an amity gathering. As scripted, the US president painted vast and vivid pictures of bright tomorrows from obfuscatory presents. The crowd was electrified most of the time, which featured politicians and bureaucrats of multiple privileged rankings.

Black Sheep Rising – Episode 37

How will hidden messages in the bible make us better human beings and why do our ancient alien masters even care?  Bible code enthusiast, Joseph Mirzoeff, lays it all down for us.  Also, NH police find the time in their busy schedule to help man propose, republicans -vs- duck killers, and Politico rates NH #1 state in the union.  Show notes at: BlackSheepRising.org

BEARCAT Ban Bill Hears from KPD’s Ken Meola

Today’s Monitor published a story which covers the public hearing on a bill designed to curb police militarization by limiting what grants law enforcement agencies can be approved for in New Hampshire. The hearing was attended by the usually mute Keene police chief Kenneth Meola, who praised the BEARCAT’s presence in Keene for its low cost. Check out the story linked below by Kathleen Ronayne:
