Keene City Manager Claims Ignorance of Legal Costs on Robin Hood Suit

Despite having previously admitted to spending at least $20,000 of taxpayer money on legal fees in the first stage of the city’s ridiculous civil suit filed against Keene’s Robin Hooders, city manager John MacLean is now claiming he doesn’t know how much it’s all cost thus far. As you may recall, the suit is currently awaiting a ruling from the New Hampshire supreme court. Dave Ridley spotted MacLean at a recent council meeting and confronts him outside. MacLean, who is a very smooth operator, dodges and gives non-answers to Ridley’s legitimate inquiries, including those about MacLean’s salary. Here’s the video:

City Council to Hear Parking Fine Doubling & Rate Increase Proposal AGAIN – Thu, 6:30p

Sheriff of Nottingham

Pay up, suckers!

Remember last year at this time when the new “Parking Czar” (the city’s term, not mine!) proposed all-around parking rate increases and fine doubling? After dozens of downtown businesses and hundreds of downtown shoppers signed petitions against the proposal, the city appeared to back down.

According to the Sentinel, now the rate increase proposal is back and is already scheduled for a hearing at the FOP committee at city hall, this Thursday at 6:30pm! (Here’s a facebook event for it.)

Whether you are a downtown merchant or shopper, or just care about this issue, please come out Thursday night to oppose this.

Video of James Cleaveland’s Keynote Speech @ Keenevention 2014

James Cleaveland gave an epic, inspirational speech at Keenevention 2014 and covered dreaming big, taking risks, facing fear, persistence, making mistakes, haters, his parents, Robin Hooding, his arrest for recording police, the Pumpkinfest riots, Keene and the Free State Project, and took several audience questions. Here’s full video:

More video will be released every week! Stay tuned to the Keenevention blog, Free Keene, the Free Keene Youtube Channel or the Keenevention Facebook page for the next video release.

Tickets for Keenevention 2015 (Oct 30th – Nov 1st) are now available at a super-earlybird discount for just $40! Lock yours in before the price goes up!

Attendee Posts Epic Journal From Keenevention 2014



“Keenevention was definitely the place to be if you have any interest in discussing productive ways to protest, work around, or blatantly disregard the State.” -Blogger Richard Masta

Most of Saturday and Sunday from Keenevention 2014 are described in detail on Richard Masta’s excellent blog, “Dispatches from Keenevention 2014“. The investigative journalist raves about the event and includes in-depth reviews of multiple panels and speeches, various encounters and conversations, and lots of photos from the panels as well as the HALLOWKEENE costume dance party.

The first person I noticed in the lobby was also wearing a stand-out hat. This fellow was Hunter S. Thompson — he had the cigarette, the Hawaiian shirt, the glasses, you name it. Oh, this was going to be a fun weekend…

If you missed Keenevention this year or you attended and wanted to know another attendee’s perspective, this article won’t disappoint.