2013 Liberty Forum: Derrick J Premieres DJVCS Director’s Cut

derrickjlfFollowing yesterday’s video of a presentation by Pete Eyre, today Free Concord presents footage from the premiere of the director’s cut of Derrick J’s Victimless Crime Spree. The director’s cut is the street legal version of the film which appears on the recently released DVD, available through Amazon. While a theatrical release of the original cut of the film screened at Keene Cinemas in September, the February 22 screening at the Liberty Forum was the first public showing of the newer version. DVDs were also on hand for sale, which feature hours of bonus footage from related Shire activism. After the film, Derrick fielded questions from the audience.

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For the last month, I’ve been delighted to produce what I believe is the best daily 5-minute newscast anywhere. You’ve heard it on LRN.FM, but have you subscribed yet? Subscribing to Peace News Now is easy, cool, and free.

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Below is the latest episode of Peace News Now. I usually include at least one story emanating from the Shire in each episode of PNN. This episode features James Cleaveland of FreeKeene’s Robin Hood fame. Enjoy!

NH ‘Progressives’ Brag About Xenophobia and Bigotry


Cynthia Chase

A Keene-area state representative laments the fact that, “there is, legally, nothing we can do to prevent them from moving here to take over the state, which is their openly stated goal.” The Other; “them” in this instance refers to participants in the Free State Project, the political migration of liberty minded people to NH. Though the FSP has no central direction and amounts to little more than a promise to move together with like-minded others, freshly elected representative Cynthia Chase has classified her new neighbors as a threat. But not just any threat. “Free Staters are the single biggest threat the state is facing today,” she opens with on a blog featured at the Blue Hampshire website. Continuing,

In this country you can move anywhere you choose and they have that same right. What we can do is to make the environment here so unwelcoming that some will choose not to come, and some may actually leave. One way is to pass measures that will restrict the ‘freedoms’ that they think they will find here.

One wonders how Ms. Chase plans to make the state “so unwelcoming” for libertarians in such a way that would not be unwelcoming to others. She tips her hand by opening in regret that political purges are illegal, but then suggests that she and her ilk can try.

Vanguardism on parade (more…)

Victory in Defeat

On December 13, 2012 I had a trial in Newport District Court for expired vehicle registration. Specifically, I was charged with violating RSA 261:40. For those who aren’t familiar, Newport is a much smaller town than Keene. Normally in Keene, as well as Manchester, Concord and I would guess most other District Courts throughout New Hampshire, there are many people scheduled for trial at the same date and time. This was not the case in Newport. Aside from myself and seven others from Keene, the only people in the court were Trooper Hickox (who was prosecuting his own case), one bailiff, a court clerk and the judge.

Before the trial began, the judge issued an edict that only one camera would be allowed to operate during the trial, despite the fact that three individuals filed notices to record. He immediately took a brief recess so that the camera situation could be straightened out and stated that if a decision wasn’t reached on which camera was to be the camera to record the trial, that NO cameras would be allowed.

Videos: KPD unveils the BEARCAT

On Saturday December 8, 2012 the Keene Police held an Emergency Vehicle Open House, where they showed off various vehicles from the Police Department as well as the Fire Department and Department of Public Works. Below are two of the many videos from the event.
