NH ACLU Writes to City Council on Chalking Freedom


This is how the police should handle chalking!

The head attorney of the NH ACLU, Gilles Bissonnette,  has weighed in on the proposed chalking ban for downtown Keene.  In a two-page testimony sent to the Keene city council, Bissonnette lays out how the proposed ban runs afoul of long-held free speech principles, citing multiple supreme court cases:

“fundamental to the continuing vitality of our democracy, for ‘time out of mind, [sidewalks] have been used for purposes of assembly, communicating thoughts between citizens, and discussing public questions.’”


“[a]s a general matter, we have indicated that in public debate our own citizens must tolerate insulting, and even outrageous, speech in order to provide adequate breathing space to the freedoms protected by the First Amendment.”

Bissonnette also encourages police to investigate and prosecute the perpetrators of violence and says that the city should be encouraging free expression rather than suppressing it.  It’s an excellent legal opinion and the city council should read it carefully before they screw up and pass an unconstitutional suppression of free speech.  Stay tuned to Free Keene for the latest on the ridiculous-to-the-max War on Chalk.

Sentinel Activism Coverage Roundup: Church Tax Update, War on Chalk Update, Pro-Chalk LTE

Keene SentinelThe Keene Sentinel has been busy covering liberty activists these past few days.  Here’s a quick rundown:

Keene State Rep Candidate Speaks Out on Chalking, Violence

varrinVarrin Swearingen is a republican candidate for state house, (Keene at-large) and also  the former president of the Free State Project.  Varrin has recently re-launched his blog. One of his first new posts is an excellent essay about the chalking and associated violence in Keene:

A few weeks ago, I wrote on my facebook wall:


There’s a hate group in Keene trashing the FSP because they don’t like Free Keene (or Robin Hooding, or something like that).


My status update included more, but the part above about the group called Stop Free Keene (SFK) got considerable attention. Some SFK members were openly hateful towards Free State Project (FSP) participants on the basis of group affiliation. Some were even promoting violence. My message and some of the comment thread was copied into the Stop Free Keene group and generally met with negative responses from SFK members.


In the comment thread on my status message, I noted,


Of course, I’m concerned someone’s going to get hurt… (more…)

Black Sheep Rising – Episode 56

Tired of chalking yet?  Too bad.  The war continues.  We break down the madness from every angle • Rebels or Empire? • Keene city budget public hearing • Pumpkin fest lobbyists • What the hell is tax increment financing? • Doom movie review • James and Garret join • Show notes at: BlackSheepRising.org

FK’s Freeman Challenges Hassan in Democratic Primary

Ian Freeman Rainbow HatHere’s a press release I’m sending this morning to NH media:

As of Thursday morning, nationally syndicated talk show host Ian Freeman has thrown his hat into the ring for governor of NH in a primary challenge to incumbent Maggie Hassan. In addition to being a registered democrat, Freeman is a co-chair of the New Hampshire Liberty Party. Freeman openly challenges Hassan on her inhumane continuation of the insane “War on Drugs”, especially the war on cannabis users. On Freeman’s campaign info page, he states,

If Maggie were a true democrat, she’d care about the little guy, but yet her state police continue to put the little guy behind bars for victimless crimes like cannabis possession. As governor, I’ll pardon all victimless criminals as one of my first acts.

Freeman also supports NH seceding from the United States as well as equal ballot access for all candidates. Regarding Freeman’s positions on other issues, please see the NH Liberty Party platform. Or, contact the candidate directly with any questions or media requests at 603-513-2449 or ian at freetalklive.com