Notice to All Keene Area Government People

Keene’s government people are hereby put on notice:

Everything you know is about to change. As each month goes by, more liberty loving activists will be moving into the Keene area. Please understand that voluntary interaction in a free market is the most humane method of interaction for mankind. These ideas of liberty are powerful and infectious. As our concentration and influence build, our ideas will become popular. Your government corporation will lose its most precious element of legitimacy as more and more people choose to ignore your dictates and live as free men and women.

Enjoy your coercive reign of the people in Keene while it lasts. I expect you’ll find your power over others diminishing over time, hopefully sooner rather than later, but I want to assure you that it is going to happen. Therefore, you should start thinking about products or services that you can offer into the marketplace on a voluntary basis, just like the rest of us peaceful people.

As a little taste of what is coming, here’s an what just one Keene-bound activist is doing down in his current home of Texas. Sam from the Obscured Truth Network will be arriving here sometime before the end of this year:

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