For the last month, activists in Keene have been appearing at Central Square for NHExit demonstrations featuring masked participants. Many of them attend wearing V masks, from the movie, “V For Vendetta”.“Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy. And ideas are bulletproof.” -V
Why perform masked demonstrations in favor of secession? First, ’tis the Halloween season, so masks are certainly appropriate, but more importantly, masks are just more fun. Many people love to see the V masks and some will even stop their cars to take photos or park and get out to come compliment us.
At our mid-month event, a gentleman from Chicago with a fancy camera came over to say hello and express how pleased he was to see people out demonstrating for secession. He snapped some photos and kindly sent me copies. You can see them attached to this article. Thanks, Raymond.
It’s impossible to know if the masked events are more popular than the unmasked ones, but it feels like it.As V says, you can’t kill an idea, and these events are about the idea of New Hampshire declaring independence. People need to be taking that idea seriously and talking about it with friends, family, and neighbors. Especially now that politics is so obviously failed in Washington DC with the political establishment parties choosing the worst possible candidates this year. It’s more obvious to people than ever that something needs to change.
Coming up on Wednesday November 9th one group of people will REALLY want to secede, depending on who wins, Trump or Clinton.
Masks means more photos are likely to be taken, which means more photos of the event will end up being shared on social media, thereby expanding our reach far beyond just the people who happened to drive by during the hour of the demonstration.
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