Sam’s Jail Blog: Wednesday, April 22

Wednesday, April 22:

I’ve settled into 208, the least restrictive block outside of the work camps at this caging facility.

The other prisoners are taking great care of me. I’ve been given everything I need: vitamins, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, soap, a toothbrush, toothpaste, paper, pen, stamped envelopes (a few), etc. Most have been gifts, a few I borrow, and some i traded the meals to get, which are of little use to me.

Having experienced the government’s system first hand, most really understand and appreciate what I’m doing. I let them read most of the letters that come in, and they think I’m some kind of superstar.

Last night I awoke to them talking after lockdown about what they could do to support me. Many are considering joining the hunger strike.

Today I was called down to the nurse to find her, Van Wickler, and a guard. Richard was pissed that I hadn’t taken the TB Test and kept stressing that everyone is treated the same here.

I’ve been reading a great book, Chicken Soup for the Soul. I recently finished The Animal School on p. 95. It’s a great store explaining why treating everyone the same, what government strives to do, is such a flawed idea. I would love for somebody to print it out and send it into Richard Van Wickler with your thoughts.

He was visibly upset that I had not been cranked through the machine like everyone else.

Sad, really, that great men overlook such obvious flaws.


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