A personal letter from Sam

[I asked Sam in a letter about his mediation, and here is his response. He gave me permission to post this personal letter to the blog.]

Hey Mike,

On the meditation, you have the right idea. I focus on my breathing. When my mind wonders I notice and rerturn my focus to breathing. I do other things as well.

Sometimes I sit and focus on my freedom. I see and feel the joy of my freedom, the feast we are going to have, the return to my life.

Other times I sit feeling joy and compassion for those who have not yet come to understand the ideas of liberty. I feel them coming around and experience the joy of a free world. I experience the healing that begins to take place int he lives of those destroyed by governments.

Yet other times I sit focusing the energy of the universe into my body and radiate it out from within me. I can feel my entire body tingle with positive energy. It courses through me, and I feel peace contentment and conneted to the universe.

There is no “right” or “wrong” way to meditate. It’s the result that counts.

I invite everyone to join me in feeling how great it will be when they release me shortly.


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