Sam’s Jail Blog: Monday, April 27

Monday, April 27:
I get up early in the morning to take a hot shower. The hot water for a group of about 20 lasts long enough for two showers. With my body lacking protein from the hunger strike, the cold is almost unbearable.

The shower of course models government’s flawed “one size MUST fit all” methodology. It has an on/off button with no temperature control. So when the water first comes out it’s well over 110°, causes my skin to turn bright red, and burns my scalp if I put my head under it. So I let it run for about 5 minutes to cool off. It gives me time to kill the gnats flying around the shower.

The toilet in the day room is still filled with sewage, and the spray bottle and cleaning rags disappeared 2 days ago. We’ve asked the guards for them repeatedly, but they don’t know what happened to them.

Without cleaning solution, there’s no good way to clean the toilets, sinks, or tabletops. The conditions here are deplorable. A few months back there was an outbreak of MERSA. HAnd sanitizer was given out for a short time, but it was quickly cut back and eventually removed.

Kelly Pouliot, the guard I mentioned yesterday, has three kids and uses cannabis. I see now why she is uncomfortable around me, and sometimes responds with anger.

Would these same people treat their mothers, fathers, brothers, and sisters this way? What allows them to turn a blind eye to such inhumane treatment, even when it goes against their own personal beliefs? How do they rpetend not to know what they are doing doesn’t work, and puts them on questionable moral grounds?

The guards say they are just doing their job; it’s the law, we have to have laws.

Their own beliefs contradict their job duties. So how does such a system not only survive, but thrive?

History has shown that knowledge is the key to freedom and subjugation. when shared and given freely it ignites the fires of liberty that burn deep within each of us.

When knowledge is withheld from the people and instead replaced with indoctrination built upon ignorance.; knowledge becomes the tool of a tyrant used to enslave the masses.

It’s no coincidence that governments control the education of its populations. The children grow up being educated and indoctrinated by the task master to believe in his system of enslavement. They’re taught that this system (country) of enslavement (labor) is the best system out there. They are taught that everyone is supposed to be enslaved for the greater good of the slave farm. They are taught that this system of enslavement is necessary to keep the other slaves on the slave farm safe (subjugated). The children, lacking the knowledge to know anything else, believe this. They actually get excited about their enslavement and wave symbols (flags) of their taskmaster with pride.

Add to that a paycheck, the promise of a pension, the threat of punishment, and it becomes ovvious why the guards go on pretending not to know they are acting in opposition to their own beliefs.

Forgive them for they know not what they have done.

When jails grow faster than schools, it is not society, but government that grows more corrupt.


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