Sam’s Jail Blog: Monday, May 18

Monday, May 18:
Will the wonders of the so called NH “Justice” system ever cease? The prosecutor, now the country attorney, is getting really desperate in his attempt to clean up the mess created by Keene District Court security and the Keene Police Department. The demurs clearly show the charges are deficient and suffer fatal flaws. That presents a problem. They have held me in jail for over a month on baseless trumped up charges, and they need to save face. So they picked the weakest two and dropped them. They are also the two even remotely related to the issue at hand – Burke over stepping his authority, and freedom of the press. Government likes to use the court system they designed to control the discussion and obscure anything remotely damaging to their railroading process.

When all else fails, it’s time to use the good old standby, contempt. Look it up in the statutes, and you won’t find it. It’s a magical charge that one tyrant in a black dress used to jail over 35 people overnight when a cellphone went off in “his” courtroom.

When these judges refer to courtrooms as “theirs,” surely they mean the people’s It was after all designed as an independent party to mediate disputes on behalf of the people. It is after all the people being forced to pay for all of this, including the roughly $3,000 they have spent on your behalf keeping me here.

Only, there’s a problem they need the contempt charge again to save face and keep the case from getting dismissed on the baseless charges. Only problem, I was never in the courtroom and the judge doesn’t have jurisdiction to file contempt charges (yet somehow he can control cameras in the lobby). So what did they come up with? Well, it looks like they are inventing a charge called “common law criminal contempt.” What is it? That’s a good question. My legal team hasn’t found anything about it, and they have yet to explain themselves or levy the charge. I guess they need more time, creating new charges to file a week after arrest must be a tricky process.

My understanding of common law, at least in Texas, is that it’s based on case law. If no case law exists then the judge can simply make it up by doing whatever he wants. So perhaps they have found some obscure case they are hoping to use, or perhaps they are colluding with the judge to invent a charge and have judge Burke rule on it, thereby creating new law. Where’s the victim? Their actions are truly a disgrace to everyone that believes in this so called “justice” system. How far are these people willing to go to assert their authority, rather than admit their mistake and learn their lesson?

Well, apparently even further than that, it is your money they are spending after all. At the end of Burke’s “order” he asks Ivy, my council, to certify that I’m competent to stand trial. In Russia and Nazi Germany political dissidents would be declared by the court to be incompetent to stand trial, declared mentally insane, and locked away in mental institutions so they wouldn’t ever get to trial. Would they be so brazen with me, or are they simply trying some other despicable legal maneuver to railroad me through their system?

Either way, does it really matter? Is this the kind of behavior you want to keep paying for?

In sanity and silence,


PS: Still no response on the radio request, and no response from Van Wickler on blog inaccuracies.

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