Fr33man Exile Tour Update: First Week at AVTM

Here’s a summary of my first full week at ADAM VS THE MAN made from a collection of blogposts originally posted to my blog. I made a quick “catch-up” video for the folks who are following along for my Exile Tour (my 2-year exile from the Shire). Here it is below:

Here’s a video I just made to be used as a gag on tonight’s ADAM VS THE MAN Newscast. I hope the joke goes over well with the audience! I know I enjoyed making it, and I hope that it will spread across YouTube, promoting my channel, blog, and twitter.

Blahhhhhhh!! That’s the sound of me being super-sick but ignoring it and getting on with work today!

Why? Because I have the best job on the planet!! I don’t get paid for a month though, so if you wanna help me eat today, you can sponsor my activism here!

I uploaded 4 videos to the Adam Kokesh YouTube channel. Here they are in a playlist, starting with the first episode. Enjoy!

I made this video with the help of a talented writer, Jon Pawelko of It was made to be featured in the first episode of ADAM VS THE MAN, which I will repost here shortly. For now, enjoy this I made:

Adam Kokesh & Derrick J Freeman on ADAM VS THE MAN
Monday, October 1st, 2012

Today I did a fantastic live podcast that was live-streamed via uStream. We talked about the soldier deaths in Afganistan reaching 2000, pulling a puzzle featuring Nazi Crematoriums off of their website, and Gigi Bowman visited the show to talk about Liberty Fest New York. Video of that episode below:

It looks like this gig will be a regular thing 5 days a week, but I have asked Adam to find someone to replace me so that I can focus more on the nightly AVTM Newscast which I am currently producing. For the meantime, it’s a blast!

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