420 Rally at the State House in Concord

On April 20th at 4:20 pm activists from Keene, Manchester and the rest of the state converged on the State House in Concord New Hampshire.  State Representatives Mark Warden and Mike Sylvia were also in attendance.  There were also dozens of people there that are not Free Staters.  Considering this was also Easter Sunday, there was a good turn out.  The purpose of the event was to act in civil disobedience to the law regarding marijuana.  Even though marijuana is legal in Colorado and Washington, it is not yet legal in New Hampshire and is still regarded as contraband.  It is time for prohibition to end so that peaceful people can be left alone.  Hopefully in the near future people like the organizer of the event Rich Paul will not see the inside of a cage again for simply selling or possessing a plant.


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