Keene’s very own Public access television station, Cheshire TV, which hosts a wide array of local programs such as Black Sheep Rising , AKPF#1, and others has come under attack by city officials. CTV, which operates partly off of franchise fees collected from cable provider Time Warner has recently adopted a new program in which it will begin charging an operating fee to any producers requiring assistance with their programs. Subsequently, programs produced by city bureaucrats, Kendall Lane, Chris Coats and Kris Roberts who have refused to pay the fee, have ceased production. Having co-produce 34 episodes of ShireTV, I can tell you airing a simple half hour television program in studio requires a crew to operate and hours of setup and tear-down.  I am not at all surprised that station manager, Lee Perkins, came to this decision. This move by CTV may also be in part due to the City of Keene confiscating 9% of the franchise fee for its own use.  Ongoing attempts by CTV to claim this portion have been rejected by city management.
Now in retaliation city mayor Kendal Lane in an interview on WKBK has hinted the city may keep all the franchise revenue and hire their “own people” to cover city council meeting and such. Cheshire TV would be left to fend for itself. I have no doubt the newly created department would also cover shows produced by city officials and friends, because that’s how the cronies roll.