Gary Chase
I am sad to report that Gary Chase allegedly hung himself in his home last week.  Longtime readers of this blog will remember that Gary was constantly under attack by bureaucrats in the notoriously corrupt town of Winchester, NH. Gary and his former wife owned a valuable piece of property in the heart of downtown and Gary believed the town gang wanted to take his land for their downtown redevelopment “master plan”. Years ago, the town thugs made their first move against Gary and his wife by targeting the property for zoning violations, claiming it was a junkyard and ultimately coming in and stealing over $300,000 of various construction equipment, and allegedly appropriating some of it to themselves and their buddies.
The endless court struggles and follow-up threat against his home led his wife to leave him. Despondent, he reached out for help, but no one wanted to stand against the corrupt goons calling themselves the “Town of Winchester”. On top of this stress, he also was suffering the physical pain of a spine injury. No compassion came from the “town” – they continued to press him. He pleaded to the Cheshire superior court to listen to him. Ultimately, more of his property was stolen by the town gang and liens placed on his home.
The constant harassment pushed Gary over the edge into paranoia. At one point he told me that he believed that the town criminals were hacking into and reading his emails. Of course, when they really are out to get you, you can’t blame someone for being paranoid. Gary met with me in person and spoke to me by phone – his case was persuasive, but there was so much to it, it was hard to really grasp it all. I wanted to do more for him, but I’m not an attorney so I brought the story out here on the blog in three posts (linked here in this article) over the last couple of years since I first met him in early 2013.
Now Gary is gone from this world, dead by allegedly hanging himself in his own home. Rumor around Winchester has it that he was murdered by the town gang, but there’s obviously no evidence for that. It’s likely that he’d simply had enough, like Tom Ball before him. (Ball self-immolated at the Cheshire superior court in 2011 over frustrations with this inhumane, insane system.)
As has been the case throughout Gary’s plight, he’s been ignored by the mainstream media. The only mention of his death online is this obituary by the Rutland Herald, which claims he “died unexpectedly” and mentions nothing about the hanging.
Perhaps the criminals in Winchester who destroyed this man’s life over their desire for his land are too scary for the big media to challenge. To the media, Gary was just a man with an illegal junkyard. Did he have some junk on his property? Perhaps, but one man’s junk is another man’s treasure. This is yet another example to prove that you don’t actually own your land – the state gang owns it, and if they want to take it from you, they’ll do whatever it takes.
Rest in peace, Gary. It’s a shame we’re not to the point where our neighbors will stand up for each others’ rights against these criminal government gang members. Standing idly by and allowing them to violate our rights is unacceptable. Stand up, speak out, and get together with others who care about freedom. (If you’re not in New Hampshire yet and you love liberty, please join the Free State Project and get here ASAP.) Don’t wait – you could be their next target – wherever you live.
Oh, one more thing. Â Here’s the last voicemail Gary left for me prior to his death. Â The voicemail was left at 11pm Eastern on September 14th, 2014, just five days before he allegedly took his own life.