This past Tuesday new mover Bonnie got fully initiated into the community with her first FBI raid. It was 6 am, and her roommate was yelling “get down stairs” and the whole house was loud. She grabs a robe and Coconut, her dog. She does not have time to grab her glasses. A rifle held by an FBI agent was pointing into the now broken window as Coconut, not accustomed to this type of chaos, runs out the broken down door. Bonnie is instructed NOT to take time to put her robe on before coming down stairs. They are ordered outside by the FBI agent. Bonnie is naked, as instructed by the FBI agent, and tries to put her robe on. The agent insists she comes out now and naked, until Ian objects “she’s naked; what are we going to do about this?” She is then graced with the highest kindness the Federal Government can provide- permission to put on a towel type robe before walking into the New Hampshire cold. Records show it would have been just under 20 degrees at the time. Ian had a robe and slippers on.
Coconut is a small friendly dog, pictured above.
Bonnie attempts to get her shoes, but they are kept in front the door just under where the window used to be, and thus full of glass. A drone flies through the window and the agent insists she puts on a pair of shoes so she grabs a too large, less glass filled pair of shoes and puts those on. She is allowed to get a jacket and so now has a jacket for a top and what is basically a towel with sleeves for a bottom. An agent asks where Nobody/Rich Paul was as the dog runs in the street and no one is allowed to get him. Bonnie is then made to walk backwards and handcuffed down the porch steps, which makes it difficult to keep a towel robe attached to yourself as they were not designed for such activities. Bonnie asks if she or anyone can collect Coconut and is told by an FBI agent “don’t worry about your dog.” Ian is thrown against a car and Nobody/Rich Paul is put up against a car. They are both handcuffed. Nobody/Rich Paul is fairly laid back about the whole ordeal, perhaps due to exhaustion or perhaps due to familiarity.
Bonnie is now visibly shivering due to being outside half naked in New Hampshire around sunrise. She is put into a police car with the windows open. This presumably also helps her feet as they are now full of glass. She asks for Coconut to be locked in a room inside until his humans can go back to them. The FBI agent asks if anyone can come pick him up and if not he is going to the pound. The FBI agent also asks Bonnie if she knows Aria and “the guy at Moose Mart” and assures Bonnie that they can not pick up Coconut. A male KPD agent who volunteers that he is 28 years old brings Bonnie back to her bedroom, which is also her boyfriend’s bedroom. He begins to smile, make jokes, make inappropriate comments about her feet, and hit on Bonnie, who is half naked, handcuffed, and about half a decade younger than the officer- while the same officer has constructive possession of Bonnie’s kidnapped boyfriend. A female agent comes in and let’s Bonnie get dressed and asks her if she wants to talk. She declines, as you do. She is allowed to take her dog and leave in her car. New to town and with her phone stolen she drives around and sits in random parking lots. Eventually she meets up with the roommates of Ian and of Nobody/Rich Paul. They went to KPD to inquire about Ian with no success. The roommates, who still have their phones, eventually receive a call telling them its ok to come home. The same FBI agent who wanted to question Bonnie assures Nobody/Rich Paul’s roommate that his computer is not stolen as he has nothing to do with this and is not a subject of the warrant. The computer is stollen. The FBI agent then states they will go retrieve Bonnie’s phone to give it back, but instead all of the State agents get into their car and drive away.
Longtime resident Christopher Wade and his husband were able to film much of the events, such as an agent scarping paint off of the porch for the sake of it. They were continually pushed back by the FBI until they were several blocks away and couldn’t see much.
Aria’s home was also raided. The warrant instructed the agents to raid the Bitcoin Embassy, and despite there being a big sign out front saying “Bitcoin Embassy” they instead “accidentally” raided the convenience store next door. They took the convenience store’s standard safe under the alleged belief that it was a Bitcoin ATM, and other property. After several hours the FBI agents realized that a safe is not an ATM and astoundingly returned the safe. The other property was not returned. The Bitcoin Embassy was then raided and the Bitcoin ATM was taken.
Bonnie wanted it stated that she has no plans to ever leave Ian.
Ian has a ruling on a detention hearing pending as of 6:30 pm on March 19th. Nobody/Rich Paul has been denied bail. Aria, and arrested former co-hosts have been released on bail. Coconut was having some fear and anxiety issues after the raid.
If you would like to donate to replacing equipment and legal costs you can donate USD through PayPal to with a note that it is a donation. Captainkickass@edge vanity address can accept BTC BCH ETH USDT DASH BSV LTC and XMR. A BCH receive address is below: