Sam’s Jail Blog: Friday, April 24

Friday, April 24:

I’m back in population today. I felt very weak. Probably low blood pressure. Vitamins ran out Wednesday, I couldn’t get more from the isolated holding cell, and my commissary order for more never showed. I’ve asked and asked but no answer. I have also not been given access to the law library computer since the first time on Tuesday, for about 3 hours.

Still no access to my lawyer since the 2 initial visits last week. I did get the write of Habeas Corpus in the mail today. Ivy did a fantastic job. Unfortunately, Superior Court upheld, government rights in New Hampshire are only upheld for those that consent and provide a legal name. All this despite being taken Wed. to aKPD for fingerprinting and photographing the first time they even asked.

I also got copies of the charges against me thanks to Ivy mailing them. Article 14 of the NH Constitution says “Every subject of this state is entitled to a certain remedy, by having recourse to the laws, for all injuries he may receive in his person, property, or character; to obtain right and justice freely, without being obliged to purchase it; completely, and without any denial; promptly, and without delay; conformably to the laws.” But again, rights are only for those that consent.

I don’t know where we go from here. I sit in their cages growing weaker by the day.

Carlos Miller is doing a story on the court situation. I spoke with him today. Get this, the call cost $1.50 billing fee, $5.50 for the first minute, and over $3 for each additional minute. In an age where I pay $10/month with unlimited LD, is anyone surprised the jail owns the phone “company?”

It’s almost as brazen as charging 81¢ for ramen noodle pack that sell 10 for $1 at the supermarket. This so called “justice” system is nothing more than yet another way for government to extort money from taxpayers, its prisoners, their families, and friends.

What other company could claim a 5% success rate and do nothing to change?


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