Robin Hooding “Evidentiary” Hearing

On Monday, August 12, 2013 at 9 AM, the “Evidentiary” hearing for the Robin Hooding lawsuit will commence at:

Court Room 1, Superior Court, 12 Court Street, Keene NH 03431.RH

The hearing is allotted seven hours and  will determine if there is any grounds to continue the lawsuit and if a preliminary injunction should be granted against the respondents placing restrictions on their constitutionally protected rights of freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of assembly.

As previously mentioned, Jon Meyer is representing five of the robin hooders and Pete Erye is going pro se.

The “city of Keene” has hired a private law firm at an unknown cost to Keene taxpayers to represent “its” interests despite having a city attorney and his own assistants.

It should be interesting to see the supposed evidence that the “city” has regarding all the so-called “harassing” behavior by the robin hooders.

There is a chance that this ridiculous case will be dropped on constitutional issues.

If you can make it, I hope to see you there.

Yours Truly,

-James ‘Robin Hood’ Cleaveland

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