Keene Unfancypants Party presents: Bradford for Mayor

Stumbling into a parking enforcer

Stumbling into AKPF agent

Local political trivialities are warming up as one candidate has gotten ahead of the curve in quickly releasing a mayoral race video entitled Bradford for Mayor through the independently organized Keene Unfancypants Party. The advertisement showcases Bradford’s passion and drive to make a change in the Keene, New Hampshire city government. With no end in sight to politics as usual, Bradford offers choice to the citizenry in this year’s contest for mayordom. You can see special edition videos of Bradford attacking Robin Hooders Garret and Graham on two separate occasions in February of this year from Fr33manTVraw. In the latter footage, Bradford stumbles into a parking enforcement officer before harassing Graham for filming the enforcer. Be sure to share Bradford for Mayor with all municiple voters you know – this election season, education is power!

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