Liberty State Reps Making Headlines For Bills to End Prohibition of Prostitution, Drinking Under 21, Cannabis

State Representative Elizabeth Edwards

Free State Project Early Mover and State Representative Elizabeth Edwards

Does the bill to decriminalize prostitution put forward by Free State Project early mover and state representative Elizabeth Edwards have a chance of passing? I have no idea. I don’t think the issue has been addressed in the near-decade I’ve been here in New Hampshire and I’m elated that it will finally be brought to the table. Like all legislation, the bill will get a full hearing in front of a state house committee where the public will be able to speak. Should be an interesting scene. Edwards has been picking up media coverage locally and nationally for merely filing the controversial bill that would no longer prosecute people for consensual sexual acts.

In other good legislative news, FSP early mover and state representative Max Abramson has put forward a bill to legalize drinking alcohol between 18 and 21, so long as someone with the drinker is over 21. He also has been scoring media for his sensible idea.

Free State Project early mover and state representative Michael Sylvia is also making news for filing one of a few cannabis legalization bills this year.

Finally, the topless issue continues to garner media coverage for FSP early mover and state representative Amanda Bouldin, at about five minutes into this video from Huffington Post, she’s interviewed about the recent blowup between her and some other “liberty” reps.

There are a bunch more bills that liberty reps have filed and also many filed by anti-liberty reps. The state house has just kicked off their 2016 session, and hearings begin in earnest this week. If you want to help liberty in NH, whether you are here already or not, please join the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance and help them review the bills. See you in New Hampshire!

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