Free Keene is now listed in Google News

As the guy behind the scenes who makes sure that Free Keene stays up and running, even though certain people would rather it didn’t, you all probably won’t hear much from me. (I have a site of my own to write for, and it takes up much of my time. Plus, I live in Manchester.) But on rare occasions I’ll have news for you.

So it is today that I’m happy to report that Free Keene is now listed as a news source in Google News. Several weeks ago, when the site first got going, I submitted it to Google News, and never heard anything back. But today, while doing a news search, I found Free Keene in the news results.

Being listed in Google News will bring the message of liberty in Keene to an international audience. Congratulations to all of you who write for Free Keene, for it was your writing, more than anything I did, that made this possible.

Now you can subscribe to Free Keene via email!

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