Update: Suspended West High Principal

Published yesterday in the Union Leader is another article speculating as to the reasons for MaryEllen McGorry’s suspension. She is at the moment still receiving pay, though the article implies that she may be terminated from her position. Her secretary was also suspended the following week.

West principal’s paid suspension remains a mystery, fueling speculation
New Hampshire Union Leader

MANCHESTER — A veteran school board member said that the paid suspension of Manchester High School West Principal MaryEllen McGorry signals that the allegations against her are serious and her termination is possible.

David Gelinas, the vice chairman of the Board of School Committee, said he does not know the reason for McGorry’s suspension, which took place last week.

“It would have to be serious enough or believable enough for a superintendent to suspend someone with pay,” Gelinas said. (more…)

Second Wiretapped Educrat Suspended from West High

Jason Talley reports from talley.tv:

On Thursday MaryEllen McGorry was suspended from her duties as the principal of Manchester High School West. Now the Union Leader is reporting that her secretary, Denise Michael, has also been suspended and is under investigation. That is all the information that school superintendent Tom Brennan is willing to release to the public at the moment, according to the UL:

MANCHESTER — The secretary of suspended Manchester High School West principal MaryEllen McGorry has been placed on administrative leave, Superintendent Tom Brennan said.

Denise Michael will be on paid leave until an investigation is completed, Brennan said.

He would not give reasons nor say whether the suspension has anything to do with McGorry’s suspension, which took place last week.

Brennan said Julie Moore of Employment Practices Group is handling the investigation into the McGorry matter. Her rate is $250 an hour. (more…)

K9 Attack Civil Rights Case Settled Before Trial

A New Hampshire woman with a federal civil rights lawsuit against Loudon police has settled with the officers involved on the day prior to the scheduled trial. Jessica Dennis had filed the suit in June of 2011, in relation to an incident that had happened to her while she was being arrested in July of 2009. Dennis was in woods near a house party that police were breaking up when she was attacked by a police canine. She sustained injuries from the attack, and after police had pulled the dog off of her, she was taken into custody for suspicion of underage drinking. Reports also indicate that the police immaturely insulted and ridiculed her throughout the ordeal. She would be found guilty of nothing in state criminal court before filing the federal case alleging violations of her civil rights.

The jury trial was scheduled to begin October 2 (more…)

Pushy Bureaucrat Crashes Chalk the Police Day

I have gotten so used to having my camera groped at by authoritative busybodies that I am beginning to feel as though I should question my relative comfort with it. The first article featured on this blog was about a police officer who couldn’t keep his hands off of my phone when it was acting as an audio streaming device. Since then, I’ve had a previous camera clutched so firmly that it automatically powered off, in an escapade that traveled the blogosphere during the first annual lemonade freedom day. My Canon Vixia’s design is much more rugged and durable than the previous Nikon Coolpix I used to utilize for Free Concord videos. And I appreciate the upgraded zoom capabilities and high definition 16:9 widescreen frame. Today, as I celebrated International Chalk the Police day with others, my camera withstained a push from a Keene city parks and recreation director Andrew Bohannon, as he fumbled to conceal his identity from chalkers. After activists had covered most of the central square park in liberty oriented slogans and quotes, a man driving around the rotary yelled from his vehicle at the chalkers to stop. Myself and others waved and invited the person to join us for Chalk the Police day. Moments later, I noticed a man with a phone who had walked up onto the square and begun speaking with people, phone in hand, and an identification swinging from his neck. (more…)