News featuring “Better Than A Cop” – The Pilot

While waiting for my Chalking 8 trial, Nov. 21st, and Pete’s ruling, sometime this month, we’ll be trying different ideas for videos. The above is an expansion of “Better Than A Cop.” Thanks, Kager for being the host of the first ever, News – enjoy.

Links and source to featured stories: News –

Better Than A Cop Sources:

Uncle Sam Visits Occupy Wall St

In late 2010 Pete and I were in the mist of our second tour around the country doing It was during that time we started shooting Uncle Sam videos. The idea for these videos is, if “Uncle Sam” – the government – was a real person what would he be like? Would he have any friends? Would people voluntarily hand over their hard earned money to  this asshole?

He’s been hiding out for most of this year but Uncle Sam was recently spotted in New York City at Occupy Wall Street. He was attempting to strengthen his relationship with ‘the few’ upset protestors. As you’ll see in the video below Uncle Sam doesn’t do very well with the public. Uncle Sam doesn’t understand that you can’t use money and/or force to solve problems. Yet, alot of protestors were willing to give Uncle Sam more of their freedom and money in exchange for just that.

We can’t turn to Uncle Sam to fix our economy, end the war or anything for that matter. He’s the man who wrote the checks for the bailouts, signed the papers sending the troops into other countries. All while demanding more taxes, on all kinds of things, and becoming more and more aggressive to those that speak out against his ideas. He’s the one that steals from one to give to another. After all, government doesn’t have anything it doesn’t take (I mean steal – because that’s what taxation is if you don’t want to pay them) from the productive people of the world.

So would you be friends with Uncle Sam? Would you voluntarily give Uncle Sam your money (ie – taxes)? If yes, would you give Uncle Sam more money to go after those who wanted to spend their own hard earned dollars?

City Waste No Time – Threatens Ian 1st Day Home From Jail

Ian Freeman was released from the Cheshire County yesterday, a day early, and today at 2 pm a man – Fred Parsells, former Keene Police Det – claiming to represent the City of Keene came to Ian’s home with demands. The “city” seems to be upset that gravel, cars and MARV – an RV – are on Ian’s property. Something that was brought to the “cities” attention by a “city employee” who just so happens to live down the road.

Video streaming by Ustream

Sad “the city” is targeting Ian. Just one day after being caged in ‘house of corrections’ the last 60 the “city” comes with more threats. They know Ian has 10 months of jail time hanging over his head. That if the RV – that came back to visit their recently released friend -, car or gravel aren’t removed than Ian could be charged, which would violate his good behavior clause and send him back to jail. Sad thing is it will cost the city alot more to cage Ian than it is to simply leave these issues alone.

Does the “city” have the right to tell you what you can park on your property? Can they tell you if you can or cannot have a driveway? Where is the line? What can’t the “city” tell you to do on your property?

Superior Court Bailiff Rejects Judge’s Ruling on Filming Public Officials

There’s been a back and forth going on in the Keene court system. The state pushes activists (with aggression)  and the activists push back (peacefully). The activists were doing rather well until the courts BANNED cameras from the buildings/courtrooms. Since then several acts of violence haven’t made YouTube but I thought that changed when the 1st District Court of Appeals ruled on Gilk v. Commonwealth of MA.

That ruling states that ALL PUBLIC OFFICIALS can be filmed while in the course of their duties, in public space. So I decided to head down to Superior Court in Keene, NH to notify the bailiff’s there of the ruling. My goal was to get them to understand that taking people’s cameras at the gate is now illegal, no matter what the judge’s ruling on the wall says (the 1st district court of appeals overrides it).

This is how it went…

After the video ended I went back into the building gave the ruling to a sheriff and said, “the next time I come here you’ll have a choice to make and I will sue you if you arrest me. The choice is yours.” I’m not sure when I’ll be back in Keene but when I am, I’ll be stopping by the courthouse with several cameras.

Ian Freeman Update from Jail, Aug 24th 2011

On Wednesday, August 24th, 2011 Ian Freeman, caged at Cheshire County Jail’s R-block, had this two-minute update about life behind bars and pending court dates that could net him an 18 additional months. He concludes by encouraging people to join the peaceful evolution in Keene.

So, are you coming?