A probable cause hearing was held yesterday in Keene district court in the case of State v James M. Phillips. Phillips stands accused of causing the hospitalization of Matthew “Yankee” Oldershaw after allegedly shoving or tackling him into the jagged granite which comprises the fountain in Central Square. During the hearing, sole witness Benjamin Nugent presented verbal accounts of his interactions with witnesses and analysis of video from the scene, including the only footage which partially captures the assault, as filmed by the currently incarcerated Free Keene blogger Rich Paul. Information presented which would normally be discounted as hearsay was admissible as Nugent recalled the statements of others collected over the course of his investigation into the incident. A public defender cross examined Nugent after direct examination from KPD prosecutor Jean Kilham.
A copy of the paperwork from the case reveals the bail conditions attached to the single charge of 2nd degree assault from the June 03 incident. An arrest warrant issued on July 11 was followed with instructions to not be present in Central Square, to have no contact with Matthew Oldershaw, and to refrain from the use of alcohol. A PR bail of $1000 was set on the day of the arrest.
Following yesterday’s hearing, judge Edward Burke found the state’s evidence sufficient to constitute probable cause for advancing the felony case to the superior court, where it will likely be heard before judge John Kissinger. Video from the hearing is available at Fr33manTVraw. Additional written coverage from the court by Martha Shanahan was published today in the Keene Sentinel.
This Friday was an eventful night. First, a man was arrested for honking his horn in support of activists. Then, my friends and I are threatened with arrest while trying to bail him out. He’s now sitting in jail for the weekend, and his car was impounded. The tow truck man accepted an offer by an activist to pay to tow the guy’s car to his home, but the police threatened to revoke the tow truck man’s contract with the city if he did.
The whole idea about police is that “society” gives up some rights and freedoms to a small group of people in order to gain some safety. The problem is that the people who are willing to give up their freedoms are already well behaved, and the people who behave badly are attracted to power. This arrangement turns a populations of good people into easy prey for tyrants, knowingly or unknowingly. Illustrated here:
Subscribe to my personal youtube channel DerrickJLive for all the raw videos, or just FR33MANTV if you want to see only the polished ones. More of everything at DerrickJ.me
More reminiscing on PorcFest 2014 • Douche bag of the week: Gov employee steals half a million in quarters • Tattoos •Think you know how to flirt? Study says you probably suck at it • Ellen joins • Show notes at: BlackSheepRising.org
James gets arrested • To upload or not to upload? • Love your haters • Nice people like to obey • Cops love punching folks • James, Rapsher, and Freerock join • Show notes at: BlackSheepRising.org
Details are scarce at the moment, but it appears that Robin Hood himself, aka James Cleaveland has been arrested, purportedly as he attempted to gather news about a standoff between an allegedly suicidal man and Keene police.
The Keene Sentinel has a developing story regarding the standoff, which has apparently ended after shots have been fired. Some activists returning from the scene believe that the allegedly suicidal man shot himself. Regarding James’ arrest, no other activists were apparently there to witness it and details are unclear as to if James was recording at the time or not.
UPDATE 12am Eastern: James is out and was interviewed on Peace News Now with Derrick J on LRN.FM.
According to his interview with Derrick J, James has been charged with “Disorderly Conduct” and “Resisting Arrest”. He says he was trying to comply and had agreed to move backwards. He says the police have confiscated his camera. James will be arraigned at Keene district court on 9/2 at 8:30am.
This week’s stellar installment of the AKPF #1 series features footage captured during the annual Porcupine Freedom Festival, held between June 22-29 in Lancaster, New Hampshire. The gathering was noteworthy for the prolific use of alternative currency by attendees, where vendors readily accepted not only cryptocurrency, but also the elusive Obamacoin, which traded at both three for one dollar as well as the spot price of four per dollar. As usual, the event set a record for participants in attendance.