Rebel Love Show episode 7 was released this week. Bitcoin expert Mattheus von Guttenberg stops by the studio to talk bitcoin in the Manchester area and the conversations goes into our disdain for the police, transhumanism, privacy, and online dating from a liberty perspective. The show is also available to download as a podcast.
Yesterday was a historic day for alternative currencies in Keene, New Hampshire, as the Aqua Keene Parking Force division of the Democratic People’s Republic of Keene police accepted — with no questions asked — the unique and impressive Obamacoin. Obamacoins were introduced to the world several years ago through fabulous infomercial campaigns which ran on both late night and daytime television. Viewers of Cheshire television may be familiar with the elaborate art film inspired by and crafted with actual Obamacoin testimonials, RENDER UNTO OBAMACOIN.
The currency consists of varying forms of artwork imitating coin design orbiting around the profile image of Barack Obama, applied to real-life united states government federal reserve coins, often quarters, nickels, dimes, half dollars, and dollar tokens. In some cases, the raised profile of the political figure emblazoned beneath the Obama sticker is vaguely visible through the creative addition. In yesterdays test payment of Obamacoin to cover the cost of a $5 parking ticket issued by the AKPF, only a brief admiration and inspection of the new currency was given before a receipt was promptly being printed up and the citation’s debt eliminated. With the coins’ potential as collectors items to bring the value to the moon, who knows at what price the city of Keene was able to auction the individual coins for? Not only is the introduction of Obamacoin into the local economy an encouraging development, but it is also a promising sign of a willingness to adapt on the part of city officials that they retain a great deal of openness to unexplored concepts such as alternative currency. Given the booms and busts of other monetary alternatives, the individual is at a loss to predict what possible exchange rates Obamacoin will establish itself at as businesses begin accepting and trading with this new system.
Need a ride around New Hampshire? Agora Cab does a great job shuttling people around efficiently at far cheaper rates than more traditional cab services. While primarily based out of Manchester, Agora Cab frequently goes to and from Keene, and has been a lifeline for activists seeking to travel between the two. Also, Bitcoin is their preferred mode of payment, so if you’re looking to keep government money out of the transaction, you’re in luck.
When my car was out of commission because the state took my plates, I heavily relied on Agora Cab to get to and from work without completely depleting my financial reserves. It just goes to show the power of the community in voluntarily providing a valuable service that the state regulates; or, in my case, completely removes.
Chris Cantwell published a blog post this week in which he made the case that violent revolution is moral, possible, and practical.
To me, Cantwell’s argument comes down to: “Violent revolution is the right thing to do.” Specifically, he advocates for killing in self defense. In other words, killing police that would otherwise be killing you. He argues that peaceful resistance is fruitless because, “ideas require teeth.” He seems to assert, “Why allow our friends to be relegated to the dustbins of history for standing on principle? As long as the State can legitimately kill and cage us, we’ll never have peace or freedom!” (more…)
Cody Wilson has a unique relationship to the intellectual property that he has been developing for the past few years. He has designed three dimensional, printable plastic firearms accessories and essential parts, including rifle lower receivers, extended magazines, and the first functional printed plastic pistol, known as the Liberator. However, intellectual property laws in the United States prevent him from being able to directly share these designs with the world. While courageous others risk fines or jail time for hosting the schematics independently, the information produced by Defense Distributed is essentially illegal. The reason for this is that the IP laws unique to munitions technology specifically state that all intellectual property related to munitions are deemed to be under the ownership of the US military. As a crypto-anarchist, Cody is interested in neither profiting from nor restricting the sharing of his designs, yet his wishes as the product’s creator are rebuked by federal statute so as to place an artificial limitation on the advancement of the technology. Despite the restrictions and the uses of intellectual property laws to limit the free flow of information and media, Defense Distributed continues to stand for the right of producers to share their created items freely, understanding that ultimately ideas cannot be owned. The above interview was filmed on 22 February 2014 at the Crown Plaza Hotel in Nashua, New Hampshire. (more…)
This week’s AKPF #1, Forum Blazing Conference reflects on a new direction following the NH Liberty Forum of 2014, from which footage will appear in next week’s episode.
0:00 – Cheshire TV disclaimer 0:10 – Huey Newton interviews William F Buckley on the colonist position 5:15 – Irvin Rosenfeld blazes up in the New Hampshire statehouse smoking room in Concord on 12 May 2012 26:45 – Jeffrey Tucker talks to the Russia Today RT about bitcoin and the incarceration of Charlie Shrem 28:50 – End disclaimer