Crypto6’s Aria DiMezzo Speaks Out On Oppressive US Government & Its Attempt To Ban Bitcoin

Aria DiMezzo, one of the Crypto6 raided on March 16, 2021 over selling of Bitcoin and co-host of the nationally syndicated radio show Free Talk Live speaks out on the US government’s attempt to oppress the worlds population through draconian attacks on financial freedom. Aria spoke at this years Porcupine Freedom Festival at Rogers Campground in Lancaster NH. It’s not just those selling Bitcoin that have something to fear, but all of us.

First they came for the socialists, and I DID speak out—
Even though I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I DID speak out—
Even though I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I DID speak out—
Even though I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and I realized speaking out wasn’t enough.

Migrate to the shire– because alone- and spread out we’re all helpless. Talk is cheap. However together we’re a force to be reckoned with and that’s the real reason the FBI is on the attack. The FBI is very afraid. Undoubtedly the FBI can attack a few free staters, but they’ve already ultimately lost the war whether they realize it yet or not. Win or lose any particular case in court and it does not matter. The publicity draws in far more people and with each new mover we inch closer to achieving our long term goal of freedom and liberty in our lifetime.

I also want to put out a special thank you to the FBI for without them we would not have been able to generate the amount of publicity this case has brought nor attracted a new generation of activist to the migration. For the first time in the history of the migration movement the Porcupine Freedom Festival sold out almost doubling that of any prior year.

Direct IPFS link to video:

Bitcoin Gandhi Leads 24 Day March Across NH In Support Of The Crypto6

Bitcoin Gandhi Marches Across New Hampshire For Crypto6

Bitcoin Gandhi Marches Across NH For Crypto6

Libertarian activist Dave Ridley has taken it upon himself to lead a march across New Hampshire in the hopes of bringing attention to an oppressed group of activists currently under attack by federal authorities for peacefully resisting the violence of the state.

Following in the footsteps of Mahatma Gandhi, a ‘terrorist’ leader in British ruled India, Dave has dressed the part calling himself, Bitcoin Gandhi, and marching in kind to raise awareness about the libertarian plight and migration that has brought together thousands of like-minded individuals to New Hampshire.

Mahatma Gandhi was an anti-colonial nationalist who employed nonviolent resistance to lead a successful campaign for India’s independence from British rule. He in turn inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world. Gandhi led a 24-day march challenging the British-imposed salt tax in the 400 km (250 mi) Dandi Salt March in 1930, and later in calling for the British to leave India in 1942. He was imprisoned for many years, upon many occasions, in both South Africa and India.

Speech & March Led By Bitcoin Gandhi From The Raided Mighty Moose Mart and Bitcoin Embassy In Keene, NH To The U.S. District Of New Hampshire Courthouse

Like in the case of Mahatma Gandhi a group which has become known as the Crypto6 has been leading the way in peacefully resisting the violence of state and federal powers over the past decade. As part of the Free State Project and larger libertarian migration movement the Crypto6 moved to New Hampshire in the hope of changing the state and ridding it of the violence inherent thereof. Unfortunately this has not gone over well with many of the violent actors in power and these individuals have taken to an extreme dislike of the ideas of liberty.

In the early morning hours of Tuesday, Mar. 16, 2021, federal and local agents kicked the doors in at the Free Talk Live studio, Bitcoin Embassy NH and Shire Free Church, arresting 6 individuals and confiscating several Bitcoin vending machines, computers and other personal items. Some might say these individuals deserved what they got- after all the state slandered their names with false accusations of unlicensed money transmission, money laundering, and wire fraud. This however has already been demonstrated in hearings to be patently false and of which many other false accusations including that of violence ruled on. The judge agreed for instance with the lawyer of Ian Freeman in that he was not in fact a danger as the prosecution argued releasing him after 70 days of confinement.

This isn’t the Crypto6’s first rodeo with the authorities however. After a decade of nonviolent activism both Ian Freeman, Nobody (formally known as Rich Paul), and others have been targeted by both state and federal authorities. In may of 2012 the FBI setup a sting with the help of the state to ensnare Nobody. FBI agents were waiting at the local Keene PD and upon arrival offered Nobody a deal he couldn’t possibly refuse- or so they thought. They told him face spending the rest of his life in prison or wear a wire into the Keene Activist Center. After refusing and taking his case to trial he was convicted of selling a small amount of weed and spent a year locked up up.

In March of 2016 the FBI were at it again. Two weeks after Mark Edge went live on nationally syndicated radio accusing the FBI of being hypocrites in their handling of the largest child pornography bust of the decade FBI agents stormed the studios of Free Talk Live. This time the FBI simply lied, obtaining a warrant to search under the guise that someone had downloaded child pornography-but explicitly slandering the name of a leading activist Ian Freeman and his radio show. This attempt at undermining the show largely failed. Everyone knew Ian advocated peace and was a staunch advocate against the use of violence. After some legal wrangling the FBI was forced to admit defeat and return computers seized. This however did not deter the FBI and had continued hunting for something to charge him with, and those surrounding him.

In spite of Ian Freeman’s immaculate legal and operational record the FBI once again pursued him and those closest to him for ‘crimes’ involving cryptocurrency. Not unknown to the government Ian Freeman worked to ensure compliance of his churches cryptocurrency vending operation through the obtainment of legal counsel and petitioning of the government to change New Hampshire law on cryptocurrency. Thanks to the participation of Free Staters, those who moved to NH as part of the migration, New Hampshire law did get changed making all operations clearly legal under state and federal law.

For much of this march Dave Ridley has been calling for the state and federal government to stop the violence against the Crypto6 by going around to police stations, federal buildings, and other government offices to ask bureaucrats to discontinue their participation in and cooperation of the federal governments activities. Unfortunately mostly to no avail.

Like Mahatma Gandhi on June 2nd, 2021 Dave Ridley concluded his 24-day march as Bitcoin Gandhi by committing an act of civil disobedience. Dave and around two dozen other activists gathered at the US District Courthouse in Concord, NH to break an unjust anti-speech law, fed speech-restriction §102-74.415, that prohibits the handing of grievances to federal authorities. This act of civil disobedience was chosen for its apparent and blatantly unconstitutional nature and having been a law routinely used against activists on past occasions. In fact this wouldn’t be the first time Dave Ridley himself has been arrested or convicted for breaking this law. This time however the federal government didn’t want the negative publicity such an arrest would bring to the cause of the Crypto6 and thereby sent out a public relations expert to deny it’s very existence.

To contribute to the Crypto6 legal fundraiser, follow the ongoing developments in the Crypto6 case, or purchase a Crypto6 fundraiser t-shirt, “Bitcoin Is NOT A Crime: Free The Crypto6” check out the

BREAKING: Ian Freeman Granted Bail

Bitcoin Cast Interviews Ian Freeman

Ian Freeman

Almost two months after his arrest by the FBI regarding cryptocurrency related charges, host of Free Talk Live Ian Freeman has been granted bail.

The decision came after a half hour zoom hearing before Judge Joseph Laplante. When discussing the matter of cash bail, the prosecution had originally suggested $200,000 but alleged that Freeman could have millions of dollars in hidden assets. Judge Laplante stated that he did not want to be a vehicle for discovery for either side and eventually set cash bail at $200,000 but allowed for the Shire Free Church to put up two properties as collateral to insure that Freeman doesn’t flee.

Freeman’s defense attorney Mark Sisti mentioned that New Hampshire is suffering a shortage of bail bondsmen and that it was not a likely option for Freeman.

During the hearing Judge Laplante spoke directly to Freeman and spoke plainly, saying that he was accused of a “white collar crime” and isn’t a violent danger to his community. Laplante stated that he agreed with the Magistrate’s decision to deny Freeman bail but now he believes that Freeman will not be difficult to monitor, and added: “the leash is going to be short”.

“Don’t be tempted to test US probation by pushing the edge of the envelop,” Judge Laplante said to Freeman regarding continuing his cryptocurrency trading business after release.

Judge Laplante also stressed how the conditions aren’t set up for Freeman to fail but rather to make sure he makes it to his 2022 court date.

One “deal breaking” condition of the release is that all of the firearms in the building Freeman will be living in must be removed for the safety of the probation officer.

The prosecution had no objections nor did Freeman and Judge Laplante said he suspects the orders would be ready by tomorrow.

Story written by Vincent Moore. Posted with permission. Original source:

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What you should know about Bitcoin Cash possibly splitting on November 15th

Bitcoin Cash Could Split Again

Bitcoin Cash Could Split Again

One of the strengths of cryptocurrency like Bitcoin is its open, decentralized nature. The code itself is open source, as released by the anonymous “Satoshi Nakamoto” back in 2009. Anyone can “fork the code” – copy it and create their own cryptocurrency, tweaking the software however one wants. This has been done many thousands of times in the last decade and has resulted in an overwhelming number of cryptocurrencies, many of which are very interesting to speculate about but have very little real-life relevance. Bitcoin (BTC), far and away is still the king-of-the-hill of crypto.

In 2017, for the first time ever, a different kind of fork happened with Bitcoin. This one happened internally and contentiously. Some history: In 2017, Bitcoin’s network was full of transactions, just like it is today. Similar to recent months, network fees then were rising dramatically as people looking to send transactions as quickly as possible bid up the fees to ridiculous levels. For instance, within the last week, I paid about $10 worth of BTC to send a transaction. This is CRAZY expensive for sending crypto, which shouldn’t cost more than one or two cents or even less.

The Bitcoin programmers and community could not come to an agreement on how to scale up Bitcoin to meet demand and keep the fees low. One side offered a simple solution they said was Satoshi’s original vision – increase the block size. The block size is a technical term describing the number of bytes maximum that a “block” can be when it’s “mined” onto the “blockchain”. The blockchain being the major innovation that makes Bitcoin such an important development – it’s a public ledger of all the Bitcoin transactions that have occurred since the beginning. The blockchain is decentralized and distributed. There are thousands of copies of it across the world. This distribution is why Bitcoin cannot be taken down by world governments – it exists in too many places at once.

Anyway, when Satoshi created Bitcoin, there was no limit on block size. Later, Satoshi added a block size of one megabyte apparently without telling anyone. Satoshi later disappeared from public view and hasn’t been seen since. Why did Satoshi add the limit? There is speculation, but apparently Satoshi never explained it. Regardless, it exists and some in the Bitcoin community say it should be raised. The larger the block size, the more transactions can be fit in a block, which are generally mined onto the blockchain roughly every ten minutes. More transactions per block means more transaction volume can be handled at once and therefore, lower network fees. Simple, right?

Bitcoin Mining

Bitcoin mining doesn’t actually look like this.

Unfortunately, not everyone agreed. Another group was against the raising of the block size, instead proposing much more complex ideas including “Segregated Witness” and “Lightning Network” as solutions. I don’t have the ability to explain them, so I won’t try. Suffice it to say, they implemented “Segregated Witness” and its effect on the network fees was completely unremarkable. The much ballyhooed “Lightning Network” is still in development, so the jury is out on that. The two sides could not come to an agreement, so for the first time in its history, on August 1st of 2017, Bitcoin (BTC) had a “chain fork” aka “chain split” and Bitcoin Cash (BCH) was born. Instantly, everyone who had Bitcoin (BTC) also had the same amount of the then-new Bitcoin Cash (BCH). I prefer to call the event a schism however, because outside the technical aspects, from the human perspective, a chain split resembles a religious schism. Two groups of people, who previously agreed, come to irreconcilable differences, and go their separate ways. Whether political, sports, or crypto – human nature appears to be very tribal. For better or for worse.

Are we better off or worse off for having Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and Bitcoin (BTC)? It depends on your perspective. I think it would have been better if the BTC programmers just increased the block size, fixing the problem of the full network and the ridiculous fees. Unfortunately they would not do this, and so Bitcoin Cash had to happen. However, the increased competition has done nothing to get Bitcoin’s programmers to fix the problem, meanwhile, network fees for sending Bitcoin (BTC) are on the rise – just like happened in 2017. Just one week ago, the average fee was over $10! As I write this, it’s over $6. Most people buying Bitcoin (BTC) are unaware of the insane fees, because they are buying on sites like Coinbase and apps like Cash App and if they never move the funds off those platforms, they never experience the insane network fee, so to them it’s an investment vehicle, not money.

In fact, this now-common viewpoint about Bitcoin (BTC) – that it is a “store of value” rather than “electronic cash” was not always the case and has been cultivated by its supporters in recent years. Satoshi’s whitepaper was clear. Bitcoin was supposed to be electronic cash, which also is a store of value. For years, Bitcoin’s network fees – paid by the sender – were no more than a penny’s worth of BTC per transaction. There are some interesting theories that suggest old-money companies like Mastercard via its membership in the “Digital Currency Group” are funding key Bitcoin programmers by investing in a company called Blockstream, who put those programmers on its payroll several years ago, after which all the trouble started. Another investor of Blockstream is AXA Group, a massive global bank. Satoshi created Bitcoin to undermine the old money institutions like Mastercard and big bankers like AXA, but now they are funding its key developers?

Which will be the "true" Bitcoin Cash?

Which will be the “true” Bitcoin Cash?

Whether its through a conspiracy to make Bitcoin less useful in the marketplace or just the inaction that sometimes can result from being the king-of-the-hill, Bitcoin has not been fixed. It’s still broken due to network congestion driving up the fees. Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is a much more useful alternative than Bitcoin, primarily because its network fees are what they should be, around one cent’s worth of BCH. Of course, plenty of cryptos have low fees, like DASH, but Bitcoin Cash has had the staying power to keep in the top ten while DASH – once as high ranked as #5 by market cap, has fallen down the charts.

Unlike DASH, however, Bitcoin Cash’s existence so far – behind the scenes – has been somewhat dramatic. DASH has never had a chain split, but Bitcoin Cash had its first in November of 2018, just over a year after it came into existence as I described above. Bitcoin Cash has regular upgrades every six months that require a “hard fork” of the currency. A “hard fork” means that all users must upgrade their software to continue to use the network, whereas a “soft fork” is a software upgrade that is optional and backwards-compatible with previous versions. Hard forks are an ideal time for disagreeing parties to attempt a chain split and create a new competitor and so in November 2018, a group led by an Australian man claiming – without evidence – to be Satoshi Nakamoto, decided they were going to have themselves a schism and “Bitcoin Satoshi’s Vision” aka Bitcoin SV (BSV) was created from the Bitcoin Cash chain. This was the first time Bitcoin Cash had a schism of its own. However, it may not be the last.

I apologize for all the backstory, but I feel it’s necessary to tell it in that detail to bring new users up to speed on why things are happening. This electronic cash is like nothing we’ve ever seen before and there is a learning curve. As a founder of Bitcoin Embassy New Hampshire, I don’t want people to be in the dark if they don’t want to be, and a little bit of knowledge is useful to those willing to learn. Sure, you can ignore all this stuff and probably everything will be fine, but there is a chance of some confusing things happening, and so we bring our story to the current day:

Two years after Bitcoin Cash schisming into Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and Bitcoin SV (BSV), Bitcoin Cash is once again facing another looming chain split on November 15th. Plus, it’s looking like the possible drama-factor could be higher than ever. What’s happening this time? Bitcoin Cash’s most visible programmer, Amaury Sechet, has called for an “upgrade” to send 8% of the mining rewards to the Bitcoin Cash programmers. Mining rewards go to the miner who successfully “mines” a given block to the blockchain. The rewards are currently made up of the 6.25 BCH “block reward” that are “mined” into existence with each block and the total amount of transaction fees collected for that block’s transactions. Normally miners keep 100% of the mining rewards, but Sechet’s proposal changes that to 92%. So far, the miners who are currently mining are signalling their opposition to the planned “upgrade”, so there’s a chance it won’t get off the ground and nothing will change.

Bitcoin Hash War

Cointelegraph’s Artist’s Interpretation of a Bitcoin Hash War

However, the supporters of the 8% programmers’ fee could turn on a bunch of mining power on the day of the possible split and then it could actually happen. The supporters of the 8% fee are being referred to in various places as “Bitcoin Cash ABC” (BCHA) and they have their own software. The opposition, who are running different software, are referred to frequently as “Bitcoin Cash Node” (BCHN). Neither of those names are particularly catchy, but the important thing to note here, is both of these camps are going to be fighting over the name “Bitcoin Cash”. Because crypto is decentralized, it will be up to the market to decide. In recent days, various exchanges and other cryptocurrency service providers have been announcing their plans on how they will be handling the possible schism. As you might imagine, it’s a patchwork. Many are preemptively choosing a winner and siding with BCHN. Others are saying they will be watching the situation closely and awarding the “Bitcoin Cash” (BCH) moniker and ticker symbol to whichever chain wins the mining “hash war” that could occur, based on various factors.

It wasn’t really a big deal when Bitcoin SV split off from Bitcoin Cash, as Bitcoin SV never tried to call itself “Bitcoin Cash”, so as confusing as chain splits are to the new user, at least there wasn’t confusion in naming. Now with two competing groups vying for the Bitcoin Cash name, the potential for confusion is very high. So what can you do if you have Bitcoin Cash (BCH)? Here are some possible options:

  • Do nothing. If the chain splits, some wallets will support both chains. A chain split means whatever amount of BCH you have at the time of the split, you’ll get the exact same amount of the newly split coin, whatever your wallet decides to call it. Unless your wallet won’t be supporting one of them, in which case you technically still have the new coins, but may have to move your balance to a wallet that is supporting the split to see both balances.
  • Sell off your BCH and avoid the whole thing. If you sell before the possible split, you avoid any drama but also avoid the possible benefit of having both new BCH competitors after the possible split.
  • Move all your BCH to the same wallet. If you’re expecting a chain split and have BCH in more than one wallet, you may want to move it all together to the same wallet before the 15th, preferably a wallet that is planning to support both coins.
  • Move all your BCH to an exchange. Note, it’s risky to hold crypto on an exchange. That said, if you want to get both coins at the time of the possible schism and have the immediate ability to trade away the coins you don’t want, you ought to send your BCH to an exchange that will be supporting both split coins, like Coinex.

Whatever you decide to do, you may want to do it before November 15th as many wallets, exchanges, and other services will be freezing all BCH transactions as November 15th gets closer, in preparation for the possible schism. Also, if the chain split occurs and a new BCH competitor is born, the new coin will not have what is called “replay protection” and the “replay attack” will be possible. This makes it dangerous to send BCH transactions until wallet providers can update their software to ensure safety or until the coins themselves add replay protection. It would be wise to be patient after a chain fork, don’t move your funds, and stay connected to the crypto community to learn more as it develops.

If you’re in the Monadnock region of New Hampshire, please join our Telegram chat and our Meetup group. If you have any questions it’s always a good idea to crowdsource the answers as in situations like this, opinions can range. No one is an expert and no one can predict what might happen.

I hope you found this article informative and thank you for reading this far. Good luck with the fork – if it even happens!

Red Arrow Diner Nashua Adds Bitcoin Vending Machine + Keene BVM Moves

New Bitcoin Vending Machine at Red Arrow Diner in Nashua

New Bitcoin Vending Machine at Red Arrow Diner in Nashua

Bitcoin Embassy New Hampshire has launched another Bitcoin Vending Machine (BVM), this one in Nashua at the brand new Red Arrow Diner. Located at 149 Daniel Webster Hwy, the Red Arrow’s Nashua location is just the latest opening in the New Hampshire family of diners that stretches back nearly one hundred years to its founding in Manchester in 1922! The small NH-based chain recently opened restaurants in Concord and Nashua in addition to its downtown Manchester and Londonderry locations. However, Nashua is the only one with a Bitcoin Vending Machine on-site.

Earlier this year, during the COVID-related crackdown on freedoms that attacked local businesses and continues to harm them, the Embassy’s long-running BVM at Murphy’s Taproom in Manchester became very hard to access. This was due to Murphy’s shutting down as a result of the insane restrictions and threats against restaurants from the governor’s gangsters. It looked as though Murphy’s was going out of business as its owner, Keith Murphy had posted a goodbye note to his social media. Sadly, I immediately started looking for a new venue to house the Bitcoin Vending Machine and the first place I thought of was the Red Arrow. Pre-COVID it was always a highly renown 24/7 diner with locations across the most populated areas of New Hampshire. Lots of people are familiar with Red Arrow’s friendly brand and their humongous menu.

Two-Way CVM at Campus Convenience

Two-Way CVM at Campus Convenience in Keene

As it turned out, Red Arrow’s co-owner George Lawrence had heard of Bitcoin and was interested in taking on the machine at the just-opened-in-May Nashua location. Located just across the border from Massachusetts, the Nashua restaurant is an ideal spot for a BVM. It would be even better if Red Arrow was 24/7 again, but unfortunately due to the fear being perpetrated against the populace by the government gang and its media sycophants, it’s hard for Red Arrow to find the workers needed to return to 24-hour operation. That said, the Nashua location is open as early as six am to late-night seven days a week and hopefully will eventually get back to it’s once-prominent position of being New Hampshire’s premiere 24/7 diner.

Thankfully, Murphy’s was able to re-open in Manchester and so instead of moving the machine from there to Red Arrow, we upgraded the machine in Murphy’s to a newer model and installed another brand new General Bytes BATMTwo unit at the Red Arrow in Nashua.

In other New Hampshire BVM news, the top-of-the line unit that was located at Thirsty Owl in Keene has moved across Winchester Street to Campus Convenience, which has even better hours as it opens in the morning all seven-days-per-week.

More exciting local crypto news to come. Please keep watching this blog for the latest.