Kal Penn and John Cho, aka Harold and Kumar’s recent visit to Keene State College has been documented by the school’s publication keene-equinox.com. My “forwarded” question to the campaigning duo, which was the subject of my article on the event, is discussed in the Equinox article. I am quoted as well. Curiously enough, the content of my question is not included. See the article from yesterday at the Equinox’s page:
John Cho and Kal Penn, known the world over as Harold and Kumar, spent yesterday and today touring the state’s colleges on behalf of the Obama reelection campaign. Of the eight stops on the two day tour, Keene was the only location in which the duo appeared together.
Harold and Kumar are an awkward choice for the young face of the Obama campaign. Their characters are a target of forces within the Obama administration which the president has done little to address. Campaigning in 2008, he had said that medicinal cannabis enforcement would be the lowest priority of his law enforcement. Under Obama, the United States has seen an increase in raids of medicinal cannabis clinics as well as increased enforcement against undocumented immigrants. While many expected change, the result was a slightly worse version of the same. (more…)
Harold and Kumar, the unoriginal Cheech and Chong parody/spinoff team is traveling around New Hampshire colleges tomorrow to promote the Obama campaign, and also to trumpet voting in general. Despite supposedly representing a cannabis consuming culture through their films, Harold and Kumar are fictional characters played by actors who share little in common with the everyman their roles embody. According to Msnbc, the pair have a packed schedule today. They will appear individually at three colleges by 2:15 and will make a joint appearance at Keene State College. Below are chalkings on Wincester Street put out to greet the actor guests.
September 6 was a national day of action for Bradley Manning. Some larger cities hosted civil disobedience arrests for trespassing via sit-in. The focus of the actions were mostly Obama campaign headquarters, though the Democratic Party headquarters in Washington, DC was the location of a tense letter delivery to president Barack Obama. A full report of the delivery of the letter to the national office is available here.
Sept 6 2012 – Concord, NH
The letter being delivered to the party headquarters was signed by eighty-three individuals representing a variety of organizations. Included in the list of signers is Art Brennan, a veteran and former New Hampshire district court judge who scheduled his own action to occur at the Concord Obama campaign office on September 6. He had notified the office that he would be reading his letter aloud and delivering a copy for Mr. Obama. When Mr. Brennan arrived with a small group from Veterans for Peace and NH Peace Action, the doors were locked and the lights were off. (more…)
Yesterday I was out promoting the theatrical premiere of Derrick J’s Victimless Crime Spree near Keene State College. I chalked the ground while Darryl held a sign with details for the screening. Security approached myself and Darryl after I had finished one chalking and was headed to complete the next one. While he approached us, you can hear him calling in re-enforcements from the Keene police, only to call them off within moments of conversing with me. Darryl happens to have a no-trespass order against him from KSC, for having gone onto campus with a friend in the past who was distributing unauthorized information, so he was careful not to accidentally step onto campus property. See the jovial encounter below. You can view photos of the chalkings in this entry from yesterday.
Tomorrow morning at Keene Cinemas, Derrick J’s Victimless Crime Spree will make its theatrical premiere. Below are some chalkings that have popped up around town announcing the red-carpet event.