Obama Speaks #SOTU For All

This week’s regularly scheduled AKPF #1 presentation has been rescheduled to present instead the presentation of official USA president Barack Obama in his Union of the State address for all citizens (but not all civilians). In the spirit of Mystery Science Theater 3000, but lacking in caricature silhouettes to adorn the bottom of the screen, the audience is treated to smokeblowimagesobamalive commentary from a local demographic recorded during an amity gathering. As scripted, the US president painted vast and vivid pictures of bright tomorrows from obfuscatory presents. The crowd was electrified most of the time, which featured politicians and bureaucrats of multiple privileged rankings.

“City of Keene” Loses AGAIN in Court – This Time in Graham’s Trespass Case

Graham ColsonAs you may recall, the “City of Keene’s” illegal case against Free Keene blogger and NH native Graham Colson was nearly dismissed from Keene district court, but judge Burke allowed a few days for “the city” to file a motion to reconsider, which they did.

Heroic free speech attorney Jon Meyer (who is taking this case pro-bono) filed this response and Burke subsequently denied “the City’s” motion to reconsider and dismissed the case!

To recap, attorney Meyer had argued that banning Graham from Central Square for skateboarding – without first trying and convicting him of such – was illegal and in violation of due process and separation of powers. Here’s a longer article about that argument.

burkeSo, again, the people calling themselves “the City of Keene” have now lost multiple cases against local activists, at who knows what cost to the taxpayers. They lost the trespassing and smoke alarm cases against me, the Robin Hood case, and now their no-trespass orders at Central Sq. have been smacked down by judge Burke. Kudos to Burke for making the right decision again!

AKPF Presents: Banned Shire TV Episode

akpf_1xjamesgarretAiring on this MLKjr holiday is a very special edition of the late Shire TV program, guest written, directed, and produced by what would be the future crew of AKPF #1, James Cleaveland and Garret Ean. The two were tasked last year with producing an MLK day episode which would be perhaps the most controversial of the series. After a pre-submission airing by one of the Shire TV’s producers, the program was officially banned and censored from the program’s history and replaced with a soft ending episode 2013_01_andybohannonbadgewhich misdirects the fluidity of the original creation.

For the first time on Cheshire TV, one year from its originally blocked release, audiences can now enjoy the complete and uncut original episode as its driving creative talents intended it be seen. Enjoy the show, and have a delightfully disobedient Martin Luther King Jr day.

Governor Stars in NH Vodka Commercial

maggie_hassantransparent2aAfter introducing their official New Hampshire vodka over the holiday season, the state’s liquor commission has just released a video advertisement for the beverage that represents the executive of our nation’s government. With proceeds from the sales of the hard drug going to repair flags severely damaged by wars, the state has invested generous resources into promoting the vodka, with no less than governor Maggie Hassan herself presenting the drink at press conferences and now, starring in this short commercial for the product. The official New Hampshire state vodka is available at all New Hampshire Wine & Liquor Outlets and has additionally received the endorsement of former governor John Lynch. Rumors have circulated that the beverage was also what filled councilor’s glasses at the central committee inauguration held on New Year’s day in the democratic people’s republic of Keene. Get yours today for only 29.99!


AKPF Revisits Black Sheep Rising Redux

A recent appearance by the crew of AKPF #1 to the Black Sheep Rising dialogue program has been reduxed down to 29 minutes to air in this week’s Aqua Keene timeslot. Check out this insightful episode where we discuss the Robin Hood saga, DPRK, and canines instilled with a fear of cats.