Early Coverage of the Robin Hood Trial

As day three of the Robin Hood of Keene evidentiary hearing drew to a close on Tuesday afternoon, initial coverage produced by the Keene Sentinel’s Kyle Jarvis and Free Keene’s Darryl Perry give us the first analysis of the proceedings. In the next few days, the raw videos from the hearings will be available. Embedded below is the article published in the Sentinel reporting on the hearing’s day two, held September 30. You can follow Darryl’s twitter feed coverage of the trial from day two here and day three here.

2013_10_01_robinhoodsent01 (more…)

Live Tweets From the Robin Hood Hearing Day 3 of 3

Robin Hood of KeeneDarryl posted a bunch of live tweets during today’s Robin Hood “evidentiary hearing”, day 3 of 3. Below is an archive of all the tweets from today, day 3, in reverse chronological order (starts at the bottom). In case you missed the tweets from the other days, here they are: Day 2, Day 1.

Stay tuned here to Free Keene for the latest on Robin Hooding. Video from both day two and three is still to come.

Darryl W. Perry ?@DWPerry78 3h
Court is out #robinhoodtrial
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Darryl W. Perry ?@DWPerry78 3h
Kissinger says he will issue a decision after reading further memoranda of law #robinhoodtrial
Darryl W. Perry ?@DWPerry78 3h
Again comparing public employees is public to employees who have desk jobs #robinhoodtrial
Darryl W. Perry ?@DWPerry78 3h
“I think we’re starting to repeat ourselves” – you don’t say!?! #robinhoodtrial (more…)

City of Keene: We Fight On That Lie

fighton_001akpfteamPremiering this morning, just in time for the latest courtroom extravaganza for Robin Hood and the Merry People is a new video short exclusive from the inner workings of city hall. Here, we see a desperate DPRK gathering of officials, feeling particularly revved for conflict as narrated by sanctioned media reports. Prince John and Jester Mullins star in this brief insight, with a revealing monologue being delivered by the jester at the end of the installment. “Don’t matter who did what to who at this point. Fact is, we went to war, and now there ain’t no going back. I mean, sh¡t, it’s what war is, you know? Once you in it, you in it. If it’s a lie, then we fight on that lie. But we gotta fight.” If only public officials had an incentive to favor deescalation and conflict resolution over paperwork plunder.

Robin Hood Court Update: Local Man Files to Intervene, Hearing Dates, Pete’s Status

robinAs you know from day one of the “evidentiary hearing” in the Robin Hood case, the last thing that happened in court was that Pete filed a motion to remove his name from the case, since he has not been involved in Robin Hooding.  The city’s hired-gun private attorneys filed an objection to that motion, stating that because Pete used a radio one time to announce the location of a parking enforcer and that he once had a conversation with one, that he must be considered part of the “civil conspiracy” and kept on the case.  The judge denied Pete’s motion.

The last post I made about the case was regarding free speech attorney Jon Meyer’s motion to dismiss the case.  Now the city’s attorneys have filed their objection.  They claim they have a right to sue to protect their employees and that Meyer’s motion is improperly timed.  They say they should be able to complete the evidentiary hearing before a motion to dismiss is entertained.  Of course, there are two more full days of court slated for that evidentiary hearing, so that means more billable hours to the fancy private attorneys that the city people will force taxpayers to fund.

An interesting new twist has come to the case where a local man named Matthew Phillips has filed a “motion to intervene“, in an attempt to join the case as a defendant!  Phillips makes the argument that since the city argued that Pete should stay as part of the case (when all he ever did was use a radio once and have a conversation with a PEO), that Phillips should be added as he claims to have Robin Hooded more than Pete. (more…)

Aqua Kzheckpoint Patrol Fortification #1

2013_09_09_akpfmasscopThis week’s fulfilling installment entered into the AKPF #1 timeslot on CheshireTV is Aqua Kzheckpoint Patrol Fortification #1, offering a unique perspective into a suspicionless checkpoint established on Route 12 in Walpole in addition to following up on AKPF #1 episode 10 Staatspolizei. Included in this episode are editorial videos by Dave Ridley, which do not represent the views of this channel, its staff, board of directors, or underwriters. Plus, you wouldn’t want to miss the unconstitutional anticamera tirade of Barnstable MassCop Gretchen Allen as captured by journalist Robert Bastille.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_lt0dF0WX0 (more…)